Riemann Curvature Tensor, Gauss Equation, and Codazzi-Mainardi Equation in Differential Geometry
📂GeometryRiemann Curvature Tensor, Gauss Equation, and Codazzi-Mainardi Equation in Differential Geometry
The coefficients of the Riemannian curvature tensor Rijkl are defined as follows.
Rijkl=∂uj∂Γikl−∂uk∂Γijl+p∑(ΓikpΓpjl−ΓijpΓpkl) for 1≤i,j,k,l≤2
Here, Γijk is the Christoffel symbol.
Since Christoffel symbols are intrinsic, the Riemann curvature tensor is also intrinsic.
The so-called coefficients that appear in differential geometry do not depend on the coordinate system. We call these entities tensors.
The Gauss equation provides an extrinsic expression of Rijkl from the perspective of the second fundamental form and the Weingarten map.
- Codazzi-Mainardi Equations
Here, Lji is a component of the matrix representation of the Weingarten map.
Both equations are proved simultaneously. Let x:U→R3 be a coordinate patch mapping. Let (u1,u2) be the coordinates of U.
Gauss’s Formula
First, by Gauss’s formula, we obtain the following.
Here, since nk=xkn=−L(xk)=−l∑Lklxl, the second term is Lijnk=−l∑LijLklxl. Also, applying Gauss’s formula to the fourth term again,
Substituting this, we obtain the following.
l,m is a dummy index, so we change the index of the last term to (l,m)→(p,l) and grouped the terms. Similarly, we obtain the following.
Assuming the coordinate patch mapping x is sufficiently differentiable,
{x1,x2,n} is the basis of R3, so each component of xijk and xikj must be the same. Therefore, we obtain the following.
The Codazzi-Mainardi equations are proved. Continuing with the same logic, the following equality holds.
Well organized, we get the following.
The Gauss’s equations are proved.
See Also