Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Vector Field to be Parallel Along a Curve
📂GeometryNecessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Vector Field to be Parallel Along a Curve
Let γ(t)=x(γ1(t),γ2(t)) be a regular curve on x, the coordinate patch. Let X(t) be a differentiable vector field along the curve γ.
Then, the necessary and sufficient condition for X(t) to be parallel along γ is as follows.
The definition of X being parallel is that Xt is orthogonal to the surface. Therefore, since xl is the basis of the tangent plane, the following holds.
X is parallel ⟺0=⟨dtdX,xl⟩
When we calculate Xt, it is as follows.
X is parallel ⟺0=== ⟨i∑dtdXixi,xl⟩+⟨i,j∑Xixijdtdγj,xl⟩ i∑dtdXi⟨xi,xl⟩+i,j∑⟨xij,xl⟩Xidtdγj i∑dtdXigil+i,j∑⟨xij,xl⟩Xidtdγj
Here, gil is the coefficient of the first fundamental form. Now, multiplying both sides of the above equation by glk and summing over the index l gives the following.
Then, by the properties of gilglk and the definition of the Christoffel symbols, the following holds.
0== i∑dtdXiδik+i,j∑ΓijkXidtdγj dtdXk+i,j∑ΓijkXidtdγj,k=1,2
Conversely, multiplying both sides of the above equation by gkl and summing over the index k gives (1).