The Relationship between the Second Normal Form and the Vingarten Map
📂GeometryThe Relationship between the Second Normal Form and the Vingarten Map
Let’s call the tangent vector for a point p on a surface M as X,Y∈TpM. Then the following holds.
Here, L is the Weingarten map.
In other words, the Weingarten map L is a self-adjoint linear transformation.
Properties of the Weingarten Map
If we define Llk=i∑Likgil, then the following holds.
Here, Lij is the coefficient of the second fundamental form, [gil] is the inverse matrix of the first fundamental form coefficient matrix.
Let’s say X=Xixi,Y=Yjxj. Then, by the properties of the Weingarten map, the following holds. Using Einstein notation,
⟨L(X),Y⟩======= ⟨XiLlixl,Yjxj⟩ XiYjLli⟨xl,xj⟩ XiYjLliglj XiYjLkigklglj XiYjLkiδjk XiYjLji II(X,Y)
The same result is obtained by the same method for ⟨X,L(Y)⟩ as well.