Bingarten Map
📂GeometryBingarten Map
Let M be a surface, and p∈M be a point on the surface. The map L:TpM→R3, defined as follows, is called the Weingarten map.
Here, X∈TpM is a tangent vector, n is a unit normal, and Xn is the directional derivative of n.
L is a linear transformation that is L:TpM→TpM.
Since {x1,x2} is a basis for TpM, if we denote it as L(xk)=l∑Llkxl, the following holds:
Where, Lij is the coefficient of the second fundamental form, and [gkl] is the inverse matrix of the first fundamental form coefficients. When expressed as a matrix,
The minus sign in the definition is there for convenience.
The Weingarten map can be understood as an operator that measures the rate of change of n in each tangent direction at each point p. For this reason, it is also referred to as a shape operator.
By definition, L is defined as a map that sends TpM to R3, but in fact, it can be seen that it sends it to TpM.
In other words, Llk is the coefficient of the l-th basis of L(xk). That is, if expressed as a coordinate vector for the basis B={x1,x2}, it is as follows.
Therefore, the matrix representation of L is as follows.
Furthermore, due to the properties of the first fundamental form, the following holds.
Since L is a linear transformation between finite-dimensional vector spaces, trL and det(L) are invariants, and are respectively called the mean curvature and the Gaussian curvature.