
Definition of Normal Sections and Menelaus's Theorem 📂Geometry

Definition of Normal Sections and Menelaus's Theorem


Let’s suppose a curve γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} is given on a surface MM. We denote by Π\Pi the plane generated by the normal n(p)\mathbf{n}(p) and γ(p)TpM\boldsymbol{\gamma}^{\prime}(p) \in T_{p}M at pMp \in M. The normal section at MΠM \cap \Pi in the direction from pp to γ\boldsymbol{\gamma}^{\prime} on MM is referred to as MΠM \cap \Pi.



Let’s denote by γ(s)\boldsymbol{\gamma}(s) the unit-speed curve on the surface MM, which has the normal curvature κn\kappa_{n} at the point pp. And let’s call γ~\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} the normal section. Then, the curvature κ~\tilde{\kappa} of the plane curve γ~\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} satisfies the following equation.

κn=κ~ | \kappa_{n} |= \tilde{\kappa}


This is known as Meusnier’s theorem. Meusnier is French, and it seems like in Papago it’s pronounced [무스니어] and [뫼니에] in Google.

The normal section is sometimes translated as a legal surface or perpendicular surface, but since it actually represents a curve on a surface, such translation is not considered proper simplification. Although the Korean Mathematical Society might refer to it as a vertical section line, simply calling it a normal section seems most appropriate.

A normal section γ~\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} appears as a spatial curve when viewed from MM, but also as a plane curve on Π\Pi.


Auxiliary Lemma

Let’s consider α,β\alpha, \beta as a regular curve satisfying α(0)=β(0)\alpha (0) = \beta (0). If the velocity vectors of the two curves satisfy α(0)=λβ(0)\alpha^{\prime}(0) = \lambda \beta ^{\prime}(0) with respect to λ0\lambda \ne 0, then when t=0t=0, the normal curvatures κn\kappa_{n} of the two curves are the same.

By the auxiliary lemma, the normal curvatures of the two curves γ,γ~\boldsymbol{\gamma}, \tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} are both κn\kappa_{n}. At this moment, the normal at the point pp of γ~\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} is ±n\pm \mathbf{n}.

Moreover, according to the properties of plane curvature, the plane curvature k~\tilde{k} of γ~\tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} is as follows.

k~=κ~ | \tilde{k} | = \tilde{\kappa}

Then, by the definitions of plane curvature and normal curvature,

k~=±γ~,n=±κn \tilde{k} =\pm \left\langle \tilde{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}^{\prime \prime}, \mathbf{n} \right\rangle = \pm \kappa_{n}


κn=k~=κ~ \left| \kappa_{n} \right| = | \tilde{k} | = \tilde{\kappa}

  1. Manfredo P. Do Carmo Differential Geometry of Curves & Surfaces (Revised & Updated 2nd Edition, 2016), p144-145 ↩︎

  2. Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker, Elements of Differential Geometry (1977), p123-124 ↩︎