Directional Derivatives in Differential Geometry
📂GeometryDirectional Derivatives in Differential Geometry
Let X∈TpM be a tangent vector, and let α(t) be a curve on the surface M. Then, we have α:(−ϵ,ϵ)→M and it satisfies α(0)=p. In other words, X=dtdα(0). Now, let’s say the function f is a differentiable function defined in some neighborhood of point p∈M on the surface M. Then, the directional derivative Xf of f in the direction of X is defined as follows.
The reason we use such notation is that whenever there is a fixed tangent vector X, a unique Xf is determined every time f is given, considering the tangent vector as an operator. Therefore, in differential geometry, we think of “tangent vector = function = differentiation”. In other words, the tangent vector is treated as a functional.
X:D→R,where D is set of all differentiable functions near p
The following notations are commonly used. When denoting the tangent vector as X,v,
From the theorem below, such directional derivatives can be represented through the given coordinate chart mapping x.
Let x:U⊂R2→M be a coordinate chart mapping, and let p=x(0,0)∈M. Let (u1,u2) be the coordinates of U. The tangent vector X∈TpM is expressed as X=X1x1+X2x2. Then, the directional derivative of f is as follows.
Especially, if the curve α is X=α′(0) and satisfies α(0)=p, then Xf does not depend on the choice of any curve.
In vector analysis,
the formula is as shown.
Since α is a curve on the coordinate chart x, let’s denote it as α(t)=x(α1(t),α2(t)). Then, the following holds.
Consider the above formula as a composition of the function f∘x:R2→R and the function that maps as t↦(α1(t),α2(t)). Differentiating this, according to the chain rule, results in the following.
Note that the variable in ∂ui∂(f∘x) is (u1,u2), and ∂ui∂(f∘x)(u1,u2) is simply shorthand notation. Similarly, dtdαi(t) is also shortened by omitting variables.
Continuing similarly, by applying the chain rule to differentiate α(t)=x(α1(t),α2(t)), we obtain the following.
α′(t)=== du1dxdtdα1(t)+du2dxdtdα2(t) x1(α1(t),α2(t))(α1)′(t)+x2(α1(t),α2(t))(α2)′(t) (α1)′(t)x1+(α2)′(t)x2
By substituting t=0, we obtain the following.
Therefore, Xi=dtdαi(0) holds. Moreover, when t=0, since α(0)=p=x(0,0) then by substituting t=0 into (1)d, we obtain the following.
Xf=dtd(f∘α)(0)== i∑∂ui∂(f∘x)(0,0)dtdαi(0) i∑Xi∂ui∂(f∘x)(0,0)
Let’s say X,Y∈TpM. Suppose f,g is a differentiable function in the neighborhood of p∈M. Let’s denote r∈R3. Then, the following formula holds.
The third formula implies differentiation of products (fg)′=f′g+fg′.
This can be easily shown by definition.
(rX+Y)f=== i=1∑2(rXi+Yi)∂ui∂(f∘x)(0,0) ri=1∑2Xi∂ui∂(f∘x)(0,0)+i=1∑2Yi∂ui∂(f∘x)(0,0) rXf+Yf
Since fg(p)=f(p)g(p), the following holds.
Therefore, by the product differentiation rule, we obtain the following.
Xp(fg)===== i=1∑2Xi∂ui∂((fg)∘x)(0,0) i=1∑2Xi∂ui∂((f∘x)(g∘x))(0,0) i=1∑2Xi[∂ui∂(f∘x)(0,0)(g∘x)(0,0)+(f∘x)(0,0)∂ui∂(g∘x)(0,0)] i=1∑2Xi∂ui∂(f∘x)(0,0)g(p)+f(p)i=1∑2Xi∂ui∂(g∘x)(0,0) Xp(f)g(p)+f(p)Xp(g)
See Also