
How to Read and Write Greek Characters and Their Meaning in Mathematics and Science 📂Writing

How to Read and Write Greek Characters and Their Meaning in Mathematics and Science

Alpha A,α\Alpha, \alpha

Alpha is read as “alpha”. The TeX codes are \Alpha, \alpha respectively.

It is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and the phrase “alpha and omega” means “the beginning and the end.”

Beta B,β\Beta, \beta

Beta is read as “beta”. The TeX codes are \Beta, \beta respectively.

Gamma Γ,γ\Gamma, \gamma

Gamma is read as “gamma”. The TeX codes are \Gamma, \gamma respectively.

Delta Δ,δ\Delta, \delta

Delta is read as “delta”. The TeX codes are \Delta, \delta respectively.

Epsilon E,ϵ,ε\Epsilon, \epsilon, \varepsilon

Epsilon is read as “epsilon”. The TeX codes are \Epsilon, \epsilon, \varepsilon respectively.

Although the correct pronunciation is epsilon, it is often pronounced as upsilon.

Zeta Z,ζ\Zeta, \zeta

Zeta is read as “zeta”. The TeX codes are \Zeta, \zeta respectively.

It is not widely used. Often used when running out of variables.

Eta H,η\Eta, \eta

Eta is read as “eta”. The TeX codes are \Eta, \eta respectively.

Like zeta, it is used when there are no suitable variables available.

  • In particle physics, a baryon η\eta

Theta Θ,θ,ϑ\Theta, \theta, \vartheta

Theta is read as “theta”. The TeX codes are \Theta, \theta, \vartheta respectively.

It is mostly considered to represent an angle.

  • Angle θ\theta
  • In variable separation, a function that has θ\theta as a variable Θ(θ)\Theta (\theta)

Iota I,ι\Iota, \iota

Iota is read as “iota”. The TeX codes are \Iota, \iota respectively.

It is not commonly used.

Kappa K,κ\Kappa, \kappa

Kappa is read as “kappa”. The TeX codes are \Kappa, \kappa respectively.

Lambda Λ,λ\Lambda, \lambda

Lambda is read as “lambda”. The TeX codes are \Lambda, \lambda respectively.

Mu M,μ\Mu, \mu

Mu is read as “mu”. The TeX codes are \Mu, \mu respectively.

Nu N,ν\Nu, \nu

Nu is read as “nu”. The TeX codes are \Nu, \nu respectively.

Xi Ξ,ξ\Xi, \xi

Xi is read as “xi”, also pronounced as “ksi” or “zai”. It’s the Xi apartment’s “Xi”. The TeX codes are \Xi, \xi respectively.

It is often used when running out of variables.

Omicron O,ο\Omicron, \omicron

Omicron is pronounced as “Omicron” and is almost the same shape as the alphabet oo, so it is not used. The TeX codes are \Omicron, \omicron respectively.

Pi Π,π\Pi, \pi

Pi is pronounced as “pi” and represents the mathematical constant pi. The TeX codes are \Pi, \pi respectively.

Rho P,ρ\Rho, \rho

Rho is pronounced as “rho”. The TeX codes are \Rho, \rho respectively.

Sigma Σ,σ\Sigma, \sigma

Sigma is pronounced as “sigma”. The TeX codes are \Sigma, \Sigma respectively.

Tau T,τ\Tau, \tau

  • In mechanics, [torque τ\tau](../167

4): It is also commonly written as NN.

  • Used as a variable for time, instead of tt.
  • Twice the number pi τ=2π\tau = 2\pi

Upsilon Υ,υ,Υ\Upsilon, \upsilon, \varUpsilon

Upsilon is pronounced as “upsilon”. The TeX codes are \Upsilon, \upsilon, \varUpsilon respectively.

  • In particle physics, an upsilon meson Υ\varUpsilon

Chi X,χ\Chi, \chi

Chi is pronounced as “chi”. Teachers advise not to write xx as χ\chi because it is actually chi xx, not “x” χ\chi. Please do not write it like this. The TeX codes are \Chi, \chi respectively.

Psi Ψ,ψ\Psi, \psi

Psi is pronounced as “psi”. The TeX codes are \Psi, \psi respectively.

Along with ϕ\phi, it is often used to represent an arbitrary function.

Phi Φ,ϕ,φ\Phi, \phi ,\varphi

Phi is pronounced as “phi” or “fi”. It seems that in physics, it is often pronounced as “fi”, while in mathematics, it is pronounced as “phi”. The TeX codes are \Phi, \phi, \varphi respectively.

Along with ψ\psi, it is often used to represent an arbitrary function.

  • Variable in cylindrical coordinates ϕ\phi](../1795)
  • Variable in spherical coordinates ϕ\phi](../152)
  • In quantum mechanics, wave function ϕ\phi

Omega Ω,ω\Omega, \omega

Omega is pronounced as “omega”. The TeX codes are Omega, omega respectively.

It is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and the phrase “alpha and omega” means “the beginning and the end”, “everything”.