
Differentiable Functions from a Differentiable Manifold to a Differentiable Manifold 📂Geometry

Differentiable Functions from a Differentiable Manifold to a Differentiable Manifold


Given that M1,M2M_{1}, M_{2} are each a n,mn, m-dimensional differentiable manifold, a mapping φ:M1M2\varphi : M_{1} \to M_{2} is defined to be differentiable at pM1p \in M_{1} if it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. Whenever a coordinate system y:VRmM2\mathbf{y} : V \subset \mathbb{R}^{m} \to M_{2} is given in φ(p)\varphi(p), there exists a coordinate system x:URnM1\mathbf{x} : U \subset \mathbb{R}^{n} \to M_{1} in pp such that φ(x(U))y(V)\varphi\left( \mathbf{x}(U) \right) \subset \mathbf{y}(V) holds.

  2. The mapping y1φx:URnRm\mathbf{y}^{-1} \circ \varphi \circ \mathbf{x} : U \subset \mathbb{R}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}^{m} is differentiable at x1(p)\mathbf{x}^{-1}(p).


Just like when defining differentiable manifolds, differentiation is defined through the coordinate system x,y\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}.

Condition 1. might look difficult at first, but on a closer look, it precisely matches the definition of the ϵδ\epsilon -\delta method or the sense of defining continuity in topology.

For condition 2., since y1φx\mathbf{y}^{-1} \circ \varphi \circ \mathbf{x} is a function from Euclidean space to Euclidean space, it is differentiable in the classical sense. This mapping is termed the expression of φ\varphi in coordinate systems x\mathbf{x} and y\mathbf{y}.

  1. Manfredo P. Do Carmo, Riemannian Geometry (Eng Edition, 1992), p5-6 ↩︎