It can also be expressed in the form of −Δu=λu. Hence it is sometimes called the eigenvalue equation for the Laplace operator.
It can be derived from the wave equation, thus it is also referred to as the reduced wave equation1.
Unlike the wave equation, which includes derivatives with respect to both time and space, the Helmholtz equation lacks the time term, making it a partial differential equation that depends only on the spatial variables.
The wave equation is as follows:
Here, c represents the velocity of the wave.
Method 1
The solution to the wave equation, that is, the wave function, is as follows:
Here, x,t represent space and time, respectively, and k,ω represent the wave number and angular frequency. When the speed of the wave is c, the following relationship holds:
Therefore, if we figure out utt(x,t), it is as follows:
Then, since the left-hand side is independent of t and the right-hand side is independent of x, it can be concluded that both sides are constants relative to x and t. Let’s call that constant −k2. Then, we obtain:
David Colton and Rainer Kress, Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory (4th Edition, 2019), p15 ↩︎