
Properties of Bounded Linear Operators 📂Banach Space

Properties of Bounded Linear Operators


Let’s denote VV as normed space, TT as bounded linear operator, and WVW \subset V. Then, the following holds:


T(W)T(W) T\left( \overline{W} \right) \subset \overline{T(W)}

Moreover, if TT is invertible, and T1T^{-1} is also a bounded linear operator, then the following is true:

T(W)=T(W) T\left( \overline{W} \right) = \overline{T(W)}

Here, W\overline{W} is the closure of WW.


Let {vk}\left\{ \mathbf{v}_{k} \right\} be a sequence in VV, and vV\mathbf{v} \in V. Then, the following holds:

limkvk=v    limkTvk=Tv \lim \limits _{k \to \infty} \mathbf{v}_{k} = \mathbf{v} \implies \lim \limits _{k \to \infty} T\mathbf{v}_{k} = T\mathbf{v}


Assuming that for a sequence {vk}\left\{ \mathbf{v}_{k} \right\} in VV and some constant {ck}\left\{ c_{k} \right\}, k=1ckvk\sum \limits_{k=1}^{\infty} c_{k}\mathbf{v}_{k} converges. Then, the following is true:

Tk=1ckvk=ckk=1Tvk T \sum \limits_{k=1}^{\infty} c_{k} \mathbf{v}_{k} = c_{k} \sum \limits_{k=1}^{\infty} T \mathbf{v}_{k}


A bounded operator is continuous, and (b) is an obvious fact since it is the equivalency condition for the function to be continuous.



Since TT is bounded and linear, the following equation holds:

TvkTv=T(vkv)Tvkv \left\| T \mathbf{v}_{k} - T \mathbf{v} \right\| = \left\| T (\mathbf{v}_{k} - \mathbf{v}) \right\| \le \left\| T \right\| \left\|\mathbf{v}_{k} - \mathbf{v} \right\|

Therefore, if vkv\mathbf{v}_{k} \to \mathbf{v}, then TvkTvT \mathbf{v}_{k} \to T \mathbf{v}.

  1. Ole Christensen, Functions, Spaces, and Expansions: Mathematical Tools in Physics and Engineering (2010), p45 ↩︎