Formulas Related to Factorials
📂FunctionsFormulas Related to Factorials
Product of Consecutive Odd Numbers
For an integer n≥0, the following holds.
Here, n!! refers to the double factorial.
A detailed explanation is omitted.
3⋅1=5⋅3⋅1=7⋅5⋅3⋅1=⋮(2n−1)⋅(2n−3)⋯5⋅3⋅1= 4⋅24⋅3⋅2⋅1=22(2⋅1)4!=22(2!)(2⋅2)! 6⋅4⋅26⋅5⋅4⋅3⋅2⋅1=23(3⋅2⋅1)6!=23(3!)(2⋅3)! 8⋅6⋅4⋅28⋅7⋅6⋅5⋅4⋅3⋅2⋅1=24(4⋅3⋅2⋅1)8!=24(4!)(2⋅4)! 2n(n!)(2n)!
Product of Consecutive Even Numbers
For an integer n≥0, the following holds.
A detailed explanation is omitted.
4⋅2=6⋅4⋅2=8⋅6⋅4⋅2=⋮(2n)⋅(2n−2)⋯6⋅4⋅2= 22(2⋅1)=22(2!) 23(3⋅2⋅1)=23(3!) 24(4⋅3⋅2⋅1)=24(4!) 2n(n!)