
How to Use Radon Transform in Julia, MATLAB, Python 📂Tomography

How to Use Radon Transform in Julia, MATLAB, Python


In the Tomography package Tomography.jl, one can use the radon() function.

  • radon(f, θ): f stands for the image, θ for the projection angle. If not specified, it calculates from 0 degrees to π\pi by default.
using Tomography
using Plots

# 팬텀 생성
f = phantom(256,2)

# 라돈 변환 계산
ℛf = radon(f)

# 그림 출력
h1 = heatmap(reverse(f, dims=1), size=(400,400));
h2 = heatmap(reverse(ℛf, dims=1), size=(400,400));
heatmap(h1, h2, size=(800,400))



  • OS: Windows10
  • Version: Julia 1.7.1, Tomography 0.1.5