
Smoothness of Boundaries 📂Partial Differential Equations

Smoothness of Boundaries


Let’s call URnU \subset \mathbb{R}^{n} a bounded open set. Let U\partial U be the boundary of UU. If there exists a CkC^{k} function γ=Rn1R\gamma = \mathbb{R}^{n-1} \to \mathbb{R} satisfying the following for each point x=(x1,,xn)Ux = (x_{1}, \dots, x_{n}) \in \partial U on the boundary, then we say ’the boundary U\partial U is CkC^{k}'.

γ(x1,x2,,xn1)=xn \gamma (x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots, x_{n-1}) = x_{n}


To rephrase the condition in the definition, there exists a CkC^{k} function γ\gamma that makes the below equation hold. Regarding xUx \in \partial U,

UB(x,r)={yB(x,r)yn>γ(y1,,yn1)} U \cap B(x,r) = \left\{ y \in B(x,r) \vert y_{n} \gt \gamma (y_{1},\dots,y_{n-1}) \right\}

The reason γ\gamma is not defined for the entirety of U\partial U is because, as shown below, it can have more than one function value at a single point. This is represented in two and three dimensions as follows.


  1. Lawrence C. Evans, Partial Differential Equations (2nd Edition, 2010), p712-713 ↩︎