Transport Equation
📂Partial Differential EquationsTransport Equation
Below is referred to as a transport equation.
ut+b⋅Du=0in Rn×(0, ∞)
- b=(b1,b2,⋅,bn)∈Rn is a fixed vector
- u=u(x,t) is u:Rn×[0,∞)→R
- x=(x1,⋯,xn)∈Rn
- t≥0 is time
- Du=Dxu=(ux1,⋯,uxn) is the gradient of u with respect to the spatial variable x
Assume u∈C1 is a solution to (1). Then, along the line in direction (b,1) passing through a fixed point (x,t), on (x+sb, t+s)=(x, t)+s(b, 1), u is constant. That is, u(x+sb, t+s) is independent of s. This can be verified as follows. Let’s define z as follows.
z(s):=u(x+sb, t+s)(s∈R)
It is sufficient to show dsdz(s)=0.
z˙(s)=dsdz=∂x∂udsdx+∂t∂udsdt=∂x∂u(x+sb, t+s)⋅dsd(x+sb)+ut(x+sb, t+s)=Du(x+sb, t+s)⋅b+ut(x+sb, t+s)=0
Since u satisfies (1), the last equality holds.
See Also