
Solid Angle of a Sphere 📂Geometry

Solid Angle of a Sphere


A solid angle Ω\Omega of a 3-dimensional sector with a radius of rr and a surface area of AA is defined as follows:

Ω:=Ar2 \Omega := \dfrac{A}{r^{2}}


The unit is called steradian and is denoted as sr\mathrm{sr}.


Considering how the radian angle in a circle is defined as the ratio of the arc length to the radius, this definition seems natural.

θ:=sr \theta := \dfrac{s}{r}


However, the reason why rr is replaced with r2r^{2} in the denominator is that, while the arc length is proportional to the radius, the surface area is proportional to the square of the radius. Since the surface area of a sphere is 4πr24\pi r^{2}, the solid angle is 4π4\pi.

Ω=4πr2r2=4π \Omega = \dfrac{4 \pi r^{2}}{r^{2}} = 4\pi

This is equivalent to integrating over all angles, excluding the radius, in a spherical coordinate system volume integral, thus confirming that the solid angle is well-defined.

θ=0πϕ=02πsinθdθdϕ=4π \begin{align*} \int_{\theta=0}^{\pi} \int_{\phi=0}^{2\pi}\sin\theta d\theta d\phi = 4\pi \end{align*}

Now, consider a unit sphere with a radius of r=1r=1 as shown in the image below. Here, a specific direction refers to the zz axis.


Then, the solid angle of a 3-dimensional sector with an angle of θ\theta is as follows.

Ω(θ)=Ar2=A=θ=0θϕ=02πsinθdθdϕ=2π(1cosθ) \Omega (\theta) = \dfrac{A}{r^{2}} = A = \int_{\theta ^{\prime} = 0}^{\theta}\int_{\phi=0}^{2\pi} \sin \theta d\theta d\phi = 2\pi (1-\cos\theta)

Therefore, the following holds true.

dΩdθ=2πsinθ    dΩ=2πsinθdθ \dfrac{d\Omega}{d\theta} = 2\pi \sin \theta \implies d\Omega = 2\pi \sin\theta d\theta

Hence, in physics, where integration in spherical coordinate systems is frequent, the following notation is commonly used.

0π2πsinθdθ=04πdΩ=4π \int_{0}^{\pi} 2\pi \sin\theta d\theta = \int_{0}^{4\pi} d\Omega = 4\pi

  1. Stephen J. Blundell and Katherine M. Blundell, Concepts in Thermal Physics, translated by Lee Jae-woo (2nd Edition, 2014), p72-73 ↩︎