
Orthogonal Matrix 📂Matrix Algebra

Orthogonal Matrix


Let $A$ be a square real matrix. $A$ is called an orthogonal matrix if it satisfies the following equation:

$$ A^{-1} = A^{T} $$

Another way to express this condition is as follows:

$$ AA^{T} = A^{T}A =I $$


To put the definition in words, an orthogonal matrix is a matrix whose row vectors or column vectors are orthogonal unit vectors to each other. When extended to complex matrices, it is called a unitary matrix. A concrete example of an orthogonal matrix is the rotation matrix. The transformation that rotates a vector in the 2D plane counterclockwise by $\theta$ is as follows:

$$ A = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{bmatrix} $$

From the following formula, it can be seen that the rotation transformation is an orthogonal matrix for any $\theta$.

$$ A^{T} A = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & \sin \theta \\ -\sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} = I $$


  • The transpose of an orthogonal matrix is an orthogonal matrix.

  • The inverse of an orthogonal matrix is an orthogonal matrix.

  • The product of two orthogonal matrices is an orthogonal matrix.

  • The determinant of an orthogonal matrix is either $1$ or $-1$.

$$ \det(A)=\pm 1 $$

Equivalent Conditions for an Orthogonal Matrix

For a real matrix $A$, the following propositions are all equivalent:

  • $A$ is an orthogonal matrix.

  • The set of row vectors of $A$ forms a(n) $\mathbb{R}^n$ orthonormal set.

  • The set of column vectors of $A$ forms a(n) $\mathbb{R}^n$ orthonormal set.

  • $A$ preserves inner product. That is, for all $\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}\in \mathbb{R}^{n}$, the following holds:

$$ (A \mathbf{x}) \cdot (A\mathbf{y}) = \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{y} $$

  • $A$ preserves length. That is, for all $\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{n}$, the following holds:

$$ \left\| A \mathbf{x} \right\| = \left\| \mathbf{x} \right\| $$