
Inverse Matrix, Reversible Matrix 📂Matrix Algebra

Inverse Matrix, Reversible Matrix


Let AA be an arbitrary square matrix of size n×nn\times n. A matrix LL is called the left inverse matrix of AA if it satisfies the following equation with AA in a matrix multiplication.

LA=In LA=I_{n}

Here, InI_{n} is the identity matrix of size n×nn\times n. A matrix RR that is capable of matrix multiplication with AA and satisfies the following equation is called the right inverse matrix of AA.

AR=In AR=I_{n}

If AA has both a left/right inverse, they are equal and denoted as A1A^{-1}, and AA is called the inverse matrix.

A1A=In=AA1 A^{-1}A=I_{n}=AA^{-1}

If AA has an inverse matrix, it is called an invertible matrix or a nonsingular matrix. If AA does not have an inverse matrix, AA is called a singular matrix.


By the definition, since LALA must have the size of n×nn\times n, LL must be a n×nn \times n matrix, and so must RR. The reason for limiting AA to square matrices is because A1A^{-1} needs to be capable of being multiplied on both sides of AA. Similarly, since matrix multiplication is not commutative, both left/right inverses must exist for it to be called an invertible matrix. In fact, if an arbitrary matrix has both a left and a right inverse, they are always the same.


Let AA and BB be arbitrary n×nn \times n square matrices. Then the following holds.

(a) If AA has a left inverse matrix LL and a right inverse matrix RR, they are the same.

L=A1=R L=A^{-1}=R

(b) If the inverse matrix of AA exists, it is unique.

(c) AB=I    BA=IAB = I \iff BA = I

(d) Let AA and BB be invertible matrices. Then the product of the two matrices ABAB is also invertible, and its inverse is as follows.

(AB)1=B1A1 (AB)^{-1}=B^{-1}A^{-1}

(d’) The product of invertible matrices of the same size is also invertible, and its inverse is the same as the product of the inverses in reverse order. That is, if A1,A2,,AnA_{1},A_{2},\dots,A_{n} is an invertible matrix, then the following holds.

(A1A2An)1=An1A21A11 \left( A_{1}A_{2}\cdots A_{n} \right)^{-1} = A_{n}^{-1}\cdots A_{2}^{-1} A_{1}^{-1}

(e) If ABAB is invertible, then both AA and BB are also invertible.

(f) If AA is invertible, its transpose is also invertible and its inverse is as follows.

(AT)1=(A1)T \left( A^{T} \right)^{-1} = \left( A^{-1} \right)^{T}

Therefore, we can see that (c)     \iff (d).



Let’s assume a n×nn\times n matrix AA is given. Let LL be the left inverse matrix of AA. Then the following equation holds.

LA=In LA=I_{n}

Let’s say RR is the right inverse matrix of AA. Multiplying RR to the right side of the equation above results in the following.

LAR=InR=R LAR = I_{n}R =R

However, since RR is the right inverse matrix of AA, LAR=LIn=LLAR=LI_{n}=L holds. Therefore, the equation above is as follows.



Assume an arbitrary square matrix AA has two different inverse matrices BB and CC. Then the calculation goes as follows.


However, this result contradicts the assumption that BB and CC are different. Therefore, the assumption is wrong, and if an inverse matrix exists, it is unique.


Without loss of generality, let’s only prove BA=I    AB=IBA = I \implies AB = I. Assume BA=IBA = I. Now consider the equation Ax=0A \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{0}.

Ax=0    B(Ax)=B0    (BA)x=0 \begin{align*} A\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{0} &\implies B(A\mathbf{x}) = B \mathbf{0} \\ &\implies (BA)\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{0} \end{align*}

Since we assumed BA=IBA = I, x=0\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{0} holds. Therefore, Ax=0A \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{0} only has trivial solutions.

Equivalent conditions for an invertible matrix

Let AA be a square matrix of size n×nn\times n. Then the following propositions are equivalent:

According to the equivalent conditions for an invertible matrix, AA is invertible. Therefore, A1A^{-1} exists, and

BA=I    A(BA)A1=AIA1    AB=I BA = I \implies A(BA)A^{-1} = AIA^{-1} \implies AB = I


Let’s assume AA and BB are invertible matrices of size n×nn\times n. Then A1A^{-1} and B1B^{-1} exist. First, multiplying B1A1B^{-1}A^{-1} to the right of ABAB results in the following.

(AB)(B1A1)=ABB1A1=AInA1=AA1=In \begin{align*} (AB)(B^{-1}A^{-1}) &= ABB^{-1}A^{-1} \\ &= AI_{n}A^{-1} = AA^{-1} \\ &= I_{n}\end{align*}

Multiplying to the left results in the following.

(B1A1)(AB)=B1A1AB=B1InB=B1B=In \begin{align*} (B^{-1}A^{-1})(AB) &= B^{-1}A^{-1}AB \\ &= B^{-1}I_{n}B = B^{-1}B \\ &= I_{n}\end{align*}

Therefore, ABAB is an invertible matrix, and its inverse is B1A1B^{-1}A^{-1}.


This is a corollary to (d).


Let’s say the inverse matrix of ABAB is CC. Then ABC=InABC=I_{n} holds. Therefore, by (c), AA is invertible, and A1=BCA^{-1}=BC holds. Also, since CAB=InCAB=I_{n}, BB is also invertible, and B1=CAB^{-1}=CA holds.


Check if the product of two matrices results in the identity matrix. According to the properties of transpose matrices, it goes as follows.

AT(A1)T=(A1A)T=IT=I A^{T} \left( A^{-1} \right)^{T} = \left( A^{-1} A \right) ^{T} = I^{T} = I

(A1)TAT=(AA1)T=IT=I \left( A^{-1} \right)^{T} A^{T} = \left( A A^{-1} \right)^{T} = I^{T} = I


(AT)1=(A1)T \left( A^{T} \right)^{-1} = \left( A^{-1} \right)^{T}