
The Principal Part of Laurent Series and Classification of Singularities 📂Complex Anaylsis

The Principal Part of Laurent Series and Classification of Singularities

Overview 1

If we closely examine the principal part of the Laurent expansion, we can identify the type of singularities.

Let’s say α\alpha is an isolated singularity of the function f:ACCf:A\subset \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}. For its Laurent expansion f(z)=n=0an(zα)n+n=1bn(zα)n f(z) = \sum_{n = 0 }^{\infty} a_{n} (z-\alpha) ^{n} + \sum_{n = 1 }^{\infty} { {b_{n} } \over{ (z-\alpha) ^{n} } } the sequence bnb_{n} has the following properties:


  • [1]: For all nn, if bn=0b_{n}=0      \iff α\alpha is a removable singularity.
  • [2]: For some mm, if bm0b_{m} \ne 0 and bm+1=bm+2==0b_{m+1} = b_{m+2} = \cdots = 0     \iff α\alpha is a mm-order pole.
  • [3]: Not all kk, but there exists an infinite number of kk that satisfies bk0b_{k} \ne 0.     \iff α\alpha is an essential singularity.


The proof is not very important, and the facts are not bad to know. However, sometimes these facts can be helpful, so if you have time, memorize them; if not, just be aware that such facts exist.

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p143. ↩︎