
Systems Represented by Differential Equations and Their Lyapunov Spectrum with Numerical Calculation Methods 📂Dynamics

Systems Represented by Differential Equations and Their Lyapunov Spectrum with Numerical Calculation Methods


Assume that a vector field X=RnX = \mathbb{R}^{n} for space and function f:XXf : X \to X is given by a differential equation x˙=f(x) \dot{x} = f(x) . Define a variational equation for the Jacobian matrix JJ of ff as follows Y˙=JY \dot{Y} = J Y . Here, the initial condition for the matrix function Y=Y(t)Rn×nY = Y(t) \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n} is set as the identity matrix Y(0)=InY(0) = I_{n}. The Lyapunov spectrum λ1,,λn\lambda_{1} , \cdots , \lambda_{n} of the system x˙=f(x)\dot{x} = f(x) is approximated by repeatedly solving the variational equation for the numerical solution (e.g., calculated by methods like RK4) {xk}k=0K\left\{ x_{k} \right\}_{k=0}^{K} of x˙=f(x)\dot{x} = f(x). J(x)J(x) is dependent on the trajectory x(t)x(t) of the original system.

  • Solving the variational equation Y˙=JY\dot{Y} = J Y implies using a method like RK4, which was used to obtain the numerical solution of matrices or vectors, known as perturbations YY. If the sufficiently small time interval used to obtain xkx_{k} is h0h \approx 0, the same time interval hh should be used for the variational equation.
  • The Runge-Kutta method RK4(J,U,h)RK4(J, U, h) is defined for matrices JJ and UU as follows U(t+h)RK4(J,U,h)=h6(V1+2V2+2V3+V4)V1=JUV2=J(U+h2V1)V3=J(U+h2V2)V4=J(U+hV3) \begin{align*} U(t + h) \approx RK4(J, U, h) =& {\frac{ h }{ 6 }} \left( V_{1} + 2 V_{2} + 2 V_{3} + V_{4} \right)\\ V_{1} =& J U \\ V_{2} =& J \left( U + {\frac{ h }{ 2 }} V_{1} \right) \\ V_{3} =& J \left( U + {\frac{ h }{ 2 }} V_{2} \right) \\ V_{4} =& J \left( U + h V_{3} \right) \end{align*} .

Now, introduce the traditional method using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization and a method using QR decomposition based on geometric definitions.

Based on Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization 1

  • Represent the jj-th column vector of the matrix UU as U:jU_{:j}.
  • Represent the transpose matrix of the matrix UU as UTU^{T}.
  • Represent the norm of the matrix UU as U\left\| U \right\|.
Algorithm: Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization GS(A)GS(A)
InMatrix ARn×nA \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}
1.U,VA,AU, V \gets A, A
2.U:1Vi1Vi1U_{:1} \gets {\frac{ V_{i1} }{ \left\| V_{i1} \right\| }}
3.for j=2,,nj = 2, \cdots, n do
4.   for jp=1,,(j1)j_{p} = 1, \cdots, (j-1) do
5.     V:jV:j(U:jTU:jp)U:jpV_{:j} \gets V_{:j} - \left( U_{:j}^{T} U_{:j_{p}} \right) U_{:j_{p}}
6.   end for
7.   U:jV:jV:jU_{:j} \gets {\frac{ V_{:j} }{ \left\| V_{:j} \right\| }}
8.end for
OutObtain orthonormal matrix UU and orthogonal matrix VV

Define a function GSGS to obtain UU with normalized axis length and a matrix VV that is merely orthogonal without normalization, unlike the widely known Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization in linear algebra. Here, each column of VV in the variational equation Y˙=JY\dot{Y} = J Y represents how much the perturbation YY stretches or compresses the axis length at specific points x(t)x(t) of the original equation x˙=f(x)\dot{x} = f(x) via the linear transformation J(x(t))J \left( x(t) \right).

Algorithm: Calculating Lyapunov Spectrum
InTrajectory {xk}k=0K\left\{ x_{k} \right\}_{k=0}^{K}
Jacobian matrix J(x)J(x)
1.λ0\lambda \gets \mathbf{0}# Zero vector of length nn
2.UInU \gets I_{n}# Initialization
3.for k=1,,Kk = 1, \cdots, K do
4.   U,VGS(U)U, V \gets GS(U)
5.   λλ+(logV:1,,logV:n)\lambda \gets \lambda + \left( \log \left\| V_{:1} \right\| , \cdots , \log \left\| V_{:n} \right\| \right)
6.   URK4(J(xk),U,h)U \gets RK4 \left( J \left( x_{k} \right) , U , h \right)
7.end for
8.λλ/(hK)\lambda \gets \lambda / (hK)
OutLyapunov spectrum λ\lambda

Based on QR Decomposition 2

Assume that a function QR(A)QR(A) for the matrix AA returns the results of the QR decomposition, QQ and RR, of AA.

Algorithm: Calculating Lyapunov Spectrum
InTrajectory {xk}k=0K\left\{ x_{k} \right\}_{k=0}^{K}
Jacobian matrix J(x)J(x)
1.λ0\lambda \gets \mathbf{0}# Zero vector of length nn
2.JJ(x0)J \gets J\left( x_{0} \right)
2.Q,RQR(J)Q, R \gets QR(J)# Initialization
3.for k=1,,Kk = 1, \cdots, K do
4.   Q,RQR(J)Q, R \gets QR(J)
5.   λλ+(logR11,,logRnn)\lambda \gets \lambda + \left( \log \left| R_{11} \right| , \cdots , \log \left| R_{nn} \right| \right)# Diagonal elements of RR
6.   QRK4(J(xk),Q,h)Q \gets RK4 \left( J \left( x_{k} \right) , Q , h \right)
7.end for
8.λλ/(hK)\lambda \gets \lambda / (hK)
OutLyapunov spectrum λ\lambda


Calculating the Lyapunov spectrum for a dynamical system expressed by ODEs is much more challenging than calculating a bifurcation diagram. Since the concept of chaos itself is defined by the Lyapunov spectrum, it’s an extremely important skill for studying dynamics, and it’s also a part where one can feel a significant computational barrier. Naturally, there is a big difference between having a vague notion of Lyapunov exponents and actually being able to calculate them.

Although the two introduced methods may seem unrelated at first glance, a detailed look at the proof of the existence of QR decomposition reveals that they are fundamentally very similar. The differences can be summarized as follows:

  • GS-based: Geometrically intuitive and easy to understand. Reading through the algorithm reveals that it’s essentially measuring the length of axes of an ellipsoid, transformed by JJ from a matrix YY having nn axes of a unit ball as column vectors.
  • QR-based: Relatively easier to implement. After QR decomposition, just gather the diagonal elements of RR, and since you’re likely using a package for QR decomposition from the start, the reliability of the program is high.

Comparison of Results

The results of calculating the Lyapunov spectrum of the Lorenz attractor at ρ[0,100]\rho \in [0, 100] using two methods are as follows:

  • Based on Gram-Schmidt:

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  • Based on QR decomposition:

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  • Reference 3

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As seen, it’s hard to distinguish visually, obtaining similar results, and it’s also confirmed to be reliable when compared to the reference. Now, let’s compare as concrete data. Blue (left) is calculated based on Gram-Schmidt, while orange (right) is based on QR decomposition.

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Performance Comparison

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  • Based on Gram-Schmidt (top): 2:39:31
  • Based on QR decomposition (bottom): 9:50:20

However, the two techniques show considerable differences in speed. The result itself can be achieved by either method, but benchmarking to calculate these numerical values reveals a speed difference of about 3 to 4 times.

The following is a measure of the time taken to obtain the Lorenz attractor for a more accurate comparison. It took about 9 minutes, confirming that calculating the Lyapunov spectrum itself did not significantly affect it.

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Code 4 5

Full Code

Julia code calculating the Lyapunov spectrum from ρ[0,100]\rho \in [0, 100] of the Lorenz attractor.

using CSV, DataFrames, LinearAlgebra, ProgressMeter, Plots, Dates; @info now()
using Base.Threads: @threads # Base.Threads.nthreads()

function RK4(f::Function, v::AbstractVector, h=1e-3)
    V1 = f(v)
    V2 = f(v + (h/2)*V1)
    V3 = f(v + (h/2)*V2)
    V4 = f(v + h*V3)
    return v + (h/6)*(V1 + 2V2 + 2V3 + V4), V1
function RK4(J::AbstractMatrix, U::AbstractMatrix, dt=1e-3)
    V1 = J*U
    V2 = J*(U + (dt/2)*V1)
    V3 = J*(U + (dt/2)*V2)
    V4 = J*(U + dt*V3)
    return U + (dt/6)*(V1 + 2V2 + 2V3 + V4)
function factory_lorenz(ρ::Number; ic = [10.,10.,10.], tspan = [0., 1000.], dt = 1e-3)
    σ = 10
    β = 8/3
    function sys(v::AbstractVector)
        x, y, z = v
        dx = σ*(y - x)
        dy = x*(ρ - z) - y
        dz = x*y - β*z
        return [dx, dy, dz]
    t_ = first(tspan):dt:last(tspan)
    len_t_ = length(t_)
    t, tk = .0, 0
    v = ic; DIM = length(v)
    traj = zeros(len_t_+2, 2DIM)
    while tk ≤ len_t_
        v, dv = RK4(sys, v, dt)

        if t ≥ first(t_)
            tk += 1
            traj[tk+1,         1:DIM ] =  v
            traj[tk  , DIM .+ (1:DIM)] = dv
    return traj[2:(end-2), :]
factory_lorenz(T::Type, args...; kargs...) =
DataFrame(factory_lorenz(args...; kargs...), ["x", "y", "z", "dx", "dy", "dz"])

function gram_schmidt(J)
    N = size(J, 1)
    U, V = deepcopy(J), deepcopy(J)
    U[:,1] = V[:,1] / norm(V[:,1])
    for j in 2:N
        for jp in 1:(j-1)
            V[:,j] -= (J[:,j]'U[:,jp])*U[:,jp]
        U[:,j] = V[:,j] / norm(V[:,j])
    return U, V
J_lorenz(x,y,z,ρ) = [
     -10   10  0
      ρ-z -1  -x
        y  x  -8/3

const dt = 1e-3
ρ_range = 0:.1:100

function lyapunov_lorenz_GS()
    schedules = DataFrame(idx = eachindex(ρ_range), ρ = ρ_range)
    schedules[!, :λ1] .= .0; schedules[!, :λ2] .= .0; schedules[!, :λ3] .= .0; 
    @showprogress @threads for dr = eachrow(schedules)
        data = factory_lorenz(DataFrame, dr.ρ; dt)
        λ = zeros(3);
        J = J_lorenz(collect(data[1, 1:3])..., dr.ρ)
        U = I(3)
        for i in 2:nrow(data)
            U, V = gram_schmidt(U)
            λ += V |> eachcol .|> norm .|> log          

            U = RK4(J, U, dt)
            J = J_lorenz(collect(data[i, 1:3])..., dr.ρ)

        λ ./= dt*nrow(data)
        dr[[:λ1, :λ2, :λ3]] .= sort(λ, rev = true)
    sort!(schedules, :ρ)
    CSV.write("lyapunov/lorenzGS.csv", schedules, bom = true)
    plot(xticks = 0:20:100, legend = :none, xlabel = "ρ", ylabel = "λ", size = [600, 300])
    plot!(schedules.ρ, schedules.λ1, lw = 2, color = 1)
    plot!(schedules.ρ, schedules.λ2, lw = 2, color = 2)
    plot!(schedules.ρ, schedules.λ3, lw = 2, color = 3)

function lyapunov_lorenz_QR()
    schedules = DataFrame(idx = eachindex(ρ_range), ρ = ρ_range)
    schedules[!, :λ1] .= .0; schedules[!, :λ2] .= .0; schedules[!, :λ3] .= .0; 
    @showprogress @threads for dr = eachrow(schedules)
        data = factory_lorenz(DataFrame, dr.ρ; dt)
        λ = zeros(3);
        J = J_lorenz(collect(data[1, 1:3])..., dr.ρ)
        Q, _ = qr(J)
        for i in 2:nrow(data)
            Q, R = qr(Q)
            λ += R .|> abs |> diag .|> log   

            Q = RK4(J, Matrix(Q), dt)
            J = J_lorenz(collect(data[i, 1:3])..., dr.ρ)

        λ ./= dt*nrow(data)
        dr[[:λ1, :λ2, :λ3]] .= sort(λ, rev = true)
    sort!(schedules, :ρ)
    CSV.write("lyapunov/lorenzQR.csv", schedules, bom = true)
    plot(xticks = 0:20:100, legend = :none, xlabel = "ρ", ylabel = "λ", size = [600, 300])
    plot!(schedules.ρ, schedules.λ1, lw = 2, color = 1)
    plot!(schedules.ρ, schedules.λ2, lw = 2, color = 2)
    plot!(schedules.ρ, schedules.λ3, lw = 2, color = 3)


See Also

  • Lyapunov Exponents of Multidimensional Maps and Their Numerical Calculation

  1. Parker, Thomas S., and Leon Chua. Practical numerical algorithms for chaotic systems. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. ↩︎

  2. von Bremen, Hubertus F., Firdaus E. Udwadia, and Wlodek Proskurowski. “An efficient QR based method for the computation of Lyapunov exponents.” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 101.1-2 (1997): 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-2789(96)00216-3 ↩︎

  3. Balcerzak, M., Pikunov, D. & Dabrowski, A. The fastest, simplified method of Lyapunov exponents spectrum estimation for continuous-time dynamical systems. Nonlinear Dyn 94, 3053–3065 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-018-4544-z ↩︎

  4. Lutz Lehmann, Numerical computation of Lyapunov exponent, URL (version: 2023-12-07): https://scicomp.stackexchange.com/q/36023 ↩︎

  5. https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/ChaosTools.jl/blob/4053d184aa91b62b550ecd722193225ea2b198cd/src/chaosdetection/lyapunovs/lyapunovspectrum.jl#L5-L51 ↩︎