Definition of Lyapunov Spectrum
📂DynamicsDefinition of Lyapunov Spectrum
Given a space X=Rn and a function f:X→X, suppose that the following vector field is given by a differential equation.
Simple Definition
The Lyapunov numbers and Lyapunov exponents for a multi-dimensional map with respect to the time-1 map of the flow FT(v) are each defined as the Lyapunov number and Lyapunov exponent of FT(v).
Difficult Definition
Variational Equation: With respect to the Jacobian matrix J of f, the following is called the variational equation.
Here, the initial condition of the matrix function Y=Y(t)∈Rn×n is set as the identity matrix Y(0)=I.
Geometrically, Y can be thought of as showing how the tangent vector itself acts while undergoing a small perturbation in the original system’s x(0), transforming into x(t).
The {λ1,⋯,λn} defined as above is called the Lyapunov spectrum,
or alternatively, the Lyapunov spectrum is defined as the log of the eigenvalues μ1,⋯,μn of the matrix Λv, as defined above.
In fact, neither definition is particularly simple, and understanding and handling the concept of the Lyapunov spectrum in continuous systems is not an easy task.
Similar to the Lyapunov number in a one-dimensional map, the motivation for the Lyapunov spectrum stems from the desire to express the difference after some time between δ0 and t, resulting from the small difference x0 and x0+δ0, with respect to some λ.
If we assume that an operator denoted TN acts as a map on TN:vN↦vN+1 at the point in time t=N, then the geometric mean of the rate at which TN expands or contracts the space is as follows.
In continuous systems, the Y of the variational equation plays the role of Tn, and consequently, the k-th Lyapunov exponent λk regarding the orthonormal set {v1,⋯,vn} and vk, is defined as follows.
Meanwhile, according to the singular value decomposition Y=UΣV∗ of Y(t,u), the k-th singular value σk(t) can be expressed in relation to the k-th column vector uk,vk of U,V as follows.
This provides a clue that the concept corresponding to the singular values, i.e., eigenvalues of Y is related to the Lyapunov spectrum. In fact, by multiplying Y∗=VΣ∗U∗ on the left side of Y,
one can readily surmise that the eigenvalue is σk2(t),
and taking the logarithm of the eigenvalues μk of the matrix Λv defined as such is the Lyapunov spectrum. When connected with the previously mentioned Yvk=σk(t)uk,
one can intuitively accept that the two definitions are equivalent.