Variational Equations
Definition 1 2
Let the space and the function be given such that the following vector field is represented by a differential equation: For the Jacobian matrix of , the following is called the variational equation: Here, the initial condition of the matrix function is set to be the identity matrix .
Since the Jacobian matrix is a matrix function that continuously changes according to the trajectory of the original system, the variational equation is not a simple linear differential equation as it might appear.
Geometrically, can be thought of as showing how that tangent vector itself acts while turning into with a slight movement from of the original system.
Lyapunov Spectrum
When calculating the Lyapunov spectrum in continuous systems, solving the variational equation involves repeatedly calculating and observing how the open ball is geometrically transformed, measuring the axis lengths. The corresponding RK4 is a method viewed as solving a linear system for a linear transformation as expressed by Thus, when a sufficiently small timestep is given for , the following computation is performed to find . Below is Julia code implementing the discussed method for matrices.
function RK4(J::AbstractMatrix, U::AbstractMatrix, dt=1e-2)
V1 = J*U
V2 = J*(U + (dt/2)*V1)
V3 = J*(U + (dt/2)*V2)
V4 = J*(U + dt*V3)
return U + (dt/6)*(V1 + 2V2 + 2V3 + V4)
Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p382. ↩︎
Karlheinz Geist, Ulrich Parlitz, Werner Lauterborn, Comparison of Different Methods for Computing Lyapunov Exponents, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Volume 83, Issue 5, May 1990, Pages 875–893, ↩︎