Let’s assume a random vectorX=(X1,⋯,Xp) is given. Considering the linear combination of random variablesX1,⋯,XpakTX=ak1X1+⋯+akpXp=l=1∑paklXl
where for a length 1unit vector is denoted as ak=(ak1,⋯,akp)∈Rp, the goal is to maximize the variance of the first a1TXVar(a1TX)
and, while satisfying Cov(a1TX,a2TX)=0, also maximize the variance of the second a2TXVar(a2TX)
and, for all l<k satisfying Cov(alTX,akTX)=0, also maximize the variance of the kth aiTXVar(akTX)
Vectors a1,⋯,ap that accomplish this, through which the data is analyzed, are known as Principal Component Analysis, PCA.
Principal Components
Assuming the covariance matrixΣ∈Rp×p of random vector X has its eigenpairs{(λk,ek)}k=1p arranged in a certain order λ1≥⋯≥λp≥0, and ek vectors are ∥ek∥=1, meaning they are normalized. The random variableYk defined by the inner product between the random vector X and the kth eigenvector ek is called the kth Principal Component.
The realization yk of Yk is called the kth PC Score.
Unit vectors that maximize the principal components in PCA are obtained as follows ak=ek. For k=1,⋯,p and i=j, the variance and covariance of the kth principal component are as follows.
The covariance matrix Σ can be expanded as follows.
Defining the orthogonal matrixP:=[e1⋯ep]∈Rp×p composed of eigenvectors of Σ, the covariance of random vector Y:=PTX can be represented as follows according to the properties.
By expanding the first diagonal component of this Cov(Y), it can be found to be equal to the first eigenvalue.
Quadratic Forms and Eigenvalues of Positive-Definite Matrices: Assuming the eigenpair{(λk,ek)}k=1n of a positive-definite matrixA∈Rp×p is ordered like λ1≥⋯≥λn≥0, the maximum and minimum values of the quadratic form xTAx on the unit sphere are as follows.
∥x∥=1maxxTAx=∥x∥=1minxTAx=λ1λp, attained when x=e1, attained when x=ep
Meanwhile, for k=2,⋯,p−1, the following holds.
∥x∥=1x⊥e1,⋯,ek−1maxxTAx=λk, attained when x=ek
Eventually, this λ1 is the maximum value of the quadratic form xTΣx under the constraint ∥x∥=1. Summarizing,
by the same theorem, the variance Var(Yk) of the kth is equal to the kth eigenvalue λk under the constraint that ∥x∥=1 and e1,⋯,ek−1 are orthogonal to each other. In other words,
under the constraint condition x⊥e1,⋯,ek−1, the covariance of Yl,Yk is as follows.