Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Quadratic Form to Be Zero
📂Linear AlgebraNecessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Quadratic Form to Be Zero
Let’s say A∈Cn×n represents a matrix and x∈Cn represents a vector.
The necessary and sufficient condition for the quadratic form x∗Ax to be 0 for all x∈Cn is that A is a zero matrix:
When (V,C) is considered a finite-dimensional complex inner product space, let’s assume that T:V→V represents a linear transformation and v∈V represents a vector.
The necessary and sufficient condition for the quadratic form ⟨Tv,v⟩ to be 0 for all v∈V is that T is a zero transformation T0:
Since the proofs for both forms are essentially the same, only the matrix form, which is not in the references, is shown.
Assume A=O and use reductio ad absurdum.
The fact that x∗Ax=0 holds means that the same result is obtained even when any scalar λ∈C is multiplied on both sides, which λx∗Ax=0. This holding for all x means that even when x is the corresponding eigenvector to the eigenvalue λ of A, it still applies because, when expressed as a matrix inner product,
according to the positive definiteness of the inner product v⋅v=0⟺v=0 all the eigenvalues of A must be 0.
Nilpotent matrices and eigenvalues: The condition that all eigenvalues of a square matrix A∈Rn×n are 0 is equivalent to A being a nilpotent matrix.
In other words, A is a nilpotent matrix. Meanwhile, if A=O, there must be at least one vector x∈Cn that satisfies y=Ax for some non-zero y=0. Having already shown that A is a nilpotent matrix, without loss of generality, let’s say
That means y⋅y=0, but once again, according to the positive definiteness, it must be y=0, which is a contradiction to the definition of y=0 as y. Consequently, we arrive at A=O.
It’s self-evident.