Stress Centrality in Network Theory
Definition 1
In a network , the number of shortest paths connecting two nodes is denoted by , and specifically, the number of paths among those that include another node is denoted by . The following defined is referred to as the Stress Centrality of node .
If you read carefully the definition of , it is not the shortest distance between , but the number of paths that make it the shortest distance, for all , , and with respect to the graph’s distance function , is as follows.
Intuitive Meaning
Stress Centrality is one of the oldest centralities introduced by Shimbel in 1953, and the equation can be seen as how much a node creates the shortest paths by intermediating between all pairs of nodes . In many phenomena in nature… for example, as a water droplet minimizes surface area and the action in motion is minimized, there is often a great interest in the shortest or fastest path to connect two nodes, and points that frequently belong to the shortest path would bear a lot of Stress. From this intuitive standpoint, it makes quite sense to call Stress Centrality.
Later, Betweenness Centrality was introduced as a measure that complements Stress Centrality.
See Also
Various Centrality in Networks
Brandes. (2001). A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality. ↩︎