Pythagorean Winning Percentage Derivation
📂SabermetricsPythagorean Winning Percentage Derivation
Let’s assume we have a team from a certain sports league. The Team Scores S and Team Allows A are random variables that each follow a Weibull distribution,
and are also independent of each other independently. The team’s expected winning percentage p is given with respect to γ>0 as follows.
Here, μS:=E(S) and μA:=E(A) represent the expected score and expected allows, respectively.
Strategy: This is a statistical derivation of the Pythagorean winning percentage. It’s straightforwardly deduced through the joint probability density function. The function Γ:R→R represents the gamma function.
Mean and variance of the Weibull distribution: A probability distribution named Three-parameter Weibull Distribution has the probability density function as follows, with the scale parameter α>0, location parameter β>0, and shape parameter γ>0.
When X∼Weibull(α,β,γ), its mean and variance are as follows.
If we denote the population means of S and A as μS and μA respectively, then the first parameters of the Weibull distribution αS, αA
are represented as above, and for the sake of simplification in the derivation, let’s define α as follows.
Now, it’s time to calculate the expected winning percentage. In most sports, a win is defined as the event where the score S is greater than the allows A, hence the expected winning percentage is essentially P(S>A). If the probability density functions of S and A are fS and fA respectively, following the assumption that S and A are independent, their joint probability density function is fSfA.
Here, β represents the minimum value between allows and scores, so it’s reasonable to set β=0, leading to the following result.