
Filtration of Complexes 📂Topological Data Analysis

Filtration of Complexes

Definition 1

Let KK be a simplicial complex. A subset LKL \subset K is a Subcomplex of KK if it is a simplicial complex itself. =K0K1Km=K \emptyset = K^{0} \subset K^{1} \subset \cdots \subset K^{m} = K A Nested Sequence of subcomplexes of KK is called the Filtration of KK. Generally, for all imi \ge m, it is presumed that Ki=KmK^{i} = K^{m}. When such a filtration exists, KK is referred to as a Filtered Complex.


Ascending Chain


The subcomplexes of the above-filtered complex illustrate a structure similar to an Ascending Chain with respect to m=0,,5m = 0,\cdots,5. K0K1K2K3K4K5 K^{0} \subset K^{1} \subset K^{2} \subset K^{3} \subset K^{4} \subset K^{5} The term filtration suggests an image of the largest simplices being filtered out (in the ←left direction) and gradually becoming smaller, although it is not always necessary in mathematics to imagine it solely in a reducing manner.

Topological Data Analysis

Complexes such as the Vietoris-Rips Complex or the Cech Complex are determined by a given radius ε>0\varepsilon > 0, and listing the complexes obtained by incrementally increasing this ε\varepsilon effectively constitutes a filtered complex. Identifying the Persistency of topological properties that appear and disappear within such filtered complexes is a foundational approach of Topological Data Analysis in characterizing the features of data.

See Also

Various Filtrations

A1A2An A_{1} \subset A_{2} \subset \cdots \subset A_{n} \subset \cdots Commonly, in mathematics, when a structure forms a Nested Sequence, it is referred to as a Filtration.

  1. Zomorodian. (2005). Computing Persistent Homology: 2.2 ↩︎