
Moment of Inertia of a Ring and Cylindrical Shell 📂Classical Mechanics

Moment of Inertia of a Ring and Cylindrical Shell


The moment of inertia of a ring with radius aa and mass mm, when the axis of rotation passes through the center of the ring, is:

  • Perpendicular to the plane formed by the ring, it is I=ma2I=ma^{2}.

  • Parallel to the plane formed by the ring, it is I=12ma2I=\dfrac{1}{2}ma^{2}.


Consider a thin, uniform circular ring (or cylindrical shell) with radius aa and mass mm. There are cases where the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the plane formed by the ring or parallel to it.

When the axis of rotation passes through the center of the ring and is perpendicular to the plane formed by the ring


The formula for calculating the moment of inertia is I=r2dm\displaystyle I=\int r^{2}dm, and since the distance from the axis of rotation to the mass element is always the constant radius aa, it follows that:

Iz=a2dm=a2dm=ma2 I_{z}=\int a^{2}dm=a^{2}\int dm=ma^{2}

When the axis of rotation passes through the center of the ring and is parallel to the plane formed by the ring


According to the perpendicular axis theorem Iz=Ix+IyI_{z}=I_{x}+I_{y}, and whether the axis of rotation is the xx-axis or the yy-axis, the configuration is the same, resulting in Ix=IyI_{x}=I_{y}. Therefore, it follows that:

2Ix=Iz=ma2    Ix=12ma2 \begin{align*} && 2I_{x} &= I_{z}=ma^{2} \\ \implies && I_{x} &= \dfrac{1}{2}ma^{2} \end{align*}