
What is a Torus in Mathematics? 📂Topology

What is a Torus in Mathematics?



The square of the sphere 11, denoted as S1×S1=[0,1]×[0,1]S^{1} \times S^{1} = [0,1] \times [0,1], and the quotient space TT that is homeomorphic to it according to the map shown above, is called a Torus. In the figure, the donut shape on the far right is an example of a torus.


The torus is a space - more specifically, a figure - that is treated very preciously throughout mathematics. It invariably appears in the image of topology known to the public (like the doughnut is homeomorphic to a coffee cup and so on).

Poincaré Conjecture

The Poincaré conjecture, proposed by the great French mathematician Henri Poincaré and proven by Grigori Perelman, states:

Poincaré Conjecture: If every simple closed curve on a closed 33-dimensional manifold can be contracted to a point, then the space can be transformed into a sphere.


Although the torus is not necessarily crucial to this conjecture, it serves as the simplest example that even non-specialists can instantly understand. For instance, if we were to loop a red string around the surface of the torus as shown in the picture, shrinking it to a point would be impossible due to the doughnut hole. The Poincaré conjecture, conversely, asks if having such closed curves always contractible to a point guarantees that the space is a sphere without a doughnut hole.

Algebraic Topology


In fact, to create a torus, a square S1×S1S^{1} \times S^{1} is sufficient without the need for a simplex complex, i.e., a simplicial complex. However, to engage in meaningful algebraic investigations of the structure resulting from a Δ\Delta-complex](../2381), the following 66 maps are necessary.


This is a projection view of the torus from above. σa\sigma_{a}, σb\sigma_{b}, σv\sigma_{v} represent mappings that act as a sort of ‘skeleton’ in the naive method of creating a torus. σb\sigma_{b} rolls the square into a cylinder, and σa\sigma_{a} connects the ends of that cylinder to form a doughnut. Here, the vertices of the square must converge precisely to one point, and σv\sigma_{v} fulfills this role.


This is a side-projection view of the torus. σU\sigma_{U}, σL\sigma_{L} map out the ‘faces’, so to speak, that fill in between the skeleton. It’s worth reiterating that σc\sigma_{c} is not strictly necessary when considering only the torus, but becomes relevant when viewing the square as a union of two triangles and pertaining to mapping their boundaries.

Periodic Boundary Conditions

A torus can also be considered as a unit square [0,1]×[0,1][0,1] \times [0,1] with Periodic Boundary Conditions applied. In the following image, the golfer’s ball seems to exit beyond the boundary of S1×S1S^{1} \times S^{1} at first glance. However, were this shot taken on a torus, the ball would end up falling behind the golfer.


Naturally, this phenomenon doesn’t only occur on the left and right boundaries but also on the top and bottom periodic boundaries bb. Viewing a square as a torus is thus a concise way of expressing that “boundaries have periodicity, so reaching one edge brings you out on the opposite edge.”

Infinite Plane

Though it sounds the same as periodic boundary conditions, viewing this space differently can open up new applications. Consider, for example, ignoring the geography where certain organisms are situated in ecological studies and assuming that the interactions among them occur uniformly throughout the entire space.


Imagine laying out the square, which unfolds the torus, as shown in the above figure, aligning with the boundary. A single torus thus effectively represents part of an infinite plane. If conducting a simulation, a simulation on a single torus could be considered, without loss of generality, as a simulation on an infinite plane.


Coordinate Chart Mapping

The coordinate chart mapping of a 3-dimensional torus with the distance from the center to the tube as RR and the diameter of the tube as rr is as follows, regarding (u1,u2)[0,2π)×[0,2π)(u_{1}, u_{2}) \in [0, 2\pi) \times [0, 2\pi):

x(u1,u2)=((R+rcosu2)cosu1,(R+rcosu2)sinu1,rsinu1) \mathbf{x}(u_{1}, u_{2}) = \left( (R + r\cos u_{2})\cos u_{1}, (R + r\cos u_{2})\sin u_{1}, r\sin u_{1} \right)

Simple Connectivity

The torus T2T^{2} is not simply connected.