
2021 Reader Major Survey Results 📂JOF

2021 Reader Major Survey Results

Reader Survey Results

The Shrimp Sushi House aims to be the largest formal science blog in the country, and in 2022, we are preparing events such as small competitions in conjunction with the community. From December 29th, 2020, to November 28th, 2021, for about 11 months, we have asked our visitors for a brief survey on their majors. Let’s look at a brief summary together.

A total of 799 readers responded to the survey.

What is your major?


The most common major was Mathematics at 30.2%, followed by Physics at 24.0%, Computer Science at 16.8%, and Statistics at 15.6% with others making up 39.3%. Among others, there were many from the Mechanical Engineering and then the Business department. Although Computer Science and Statistics are in 3rd and 4th place, there were surprisingly many, and Physics was in 2nd place, but it seemed less than expected. Some of the unique ones are as follows:

  • Linguistics: Their interest was in Statistics. We are also very interested in natural language processing and corpus analysis. We will try to address it as soon as possible.
  • Chemical Engineering with a double major in Electrical Engineering: Quite similar to us, but truly practical.
  • Citrus Agricultural Data Production System Technology Management: Seems to be the longest major name I’ve heard. Your studies must be specific and practical, which sounds fun.
  • History with a double major in Statistics: A student whose main major is History and also studies Statistics, interested in programming. It seems like an interesting choice, both for employment tech and as a scholar.

What are your interests?

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Pure Mathematics overwhelmingly took the first place in interests. Unlike the major survey, Statistics moved up to second place, and Machine Learning ranked lower than expected for a current trend. Perhaps the lower ranking for Machine Learning might be due to the category itself being somewhat deficient, preventing inflows. Once both authors finish up their urgent tasks, there will be significant supplements to both deep learning and traditional machine learning techniques.

The response rate of 4.4% for Julia is the lowest, but the number itself is notable. In recent hipster-infested developer communities, Julia, Rust, and Golang have been receiving attention. In reality, Julia may not be a favorite language among developers. As is the case with the actual Julia community, it is most important whether it receives attention close to formal science, and 4.4% is considered a pretty good number.

What is your academic status?


Unsurprisingly, Undergraduate students made up 58.9%, taking the first place. Surprisingly, High school and middle school students accounted for 12.4%, surpassing Master’s students at 10.4%. Before discussing whether the articles are written in an easy-to-understand manner, the content covered by this blog is not straightforward, and it’s curious how they are managing to read it. Everyone must be a science prodigy.

Combining everyone from Master’s students to Ph.D. students accounts for 25.9%, exceeding a quarter. Especially for Ph.D. students, at 5.3%, we are thankful for so many educated readers visiting us.