Stochastic Increment and Decrement Functions and Confidence Intervals
📂Mathematical StatisticsStochastic Increment and Decrement Functions and Confidence Intervals
Definition of Stochastic Monotone Functions
If the cumulative distribution function F(t;θ) is a monotone (increasing or decreasing) function for θ, it is called a Stochastic Increasing(Decreasing) Function.
Pivoting a Continuous Cumulative Distribution Function
Let’s say a statistic T has a continuous cumulative distribution function FT(t;θ). For a fixed α∈(0,1), let α1+α2=α, and for all t∈T in the support T of T, θL(t) and θU(t) are defined as
- (1): If FT(t;θ) is a stochastic decreasing function,
- (2): If FT(t;θ) is a stochastic increasing function,
In this case, the random interval [θL(t),θU(t)] is a confidence interval for θ.
For example, if T∼exp(θ), i.e., follows an exponential distribution, its cumulative distribution function F(t;θ)=1−et/θ is a stochastic decreasing function for all t since the function values decrease as θ increases, satisfying condition (1) of the theorem and making it easy to obtain the 1−α confidence interval.
The term pivoting in the name of the theorem originates from the term pivot.
We only prove case (1). Although not completely identical, there is a similar theorem for discrete cumulative distributions.
Assuming the 1−α acceptance region is made as above. Since FT is a stochastic decreasing function and from the definition of α<1, 1−α2>α1, therefore θL(t)<θU(t) holds, and their function values are unique. Moreover,
thus, the following is obtained.