
Derivation of the Taylor Series Using Complex Analysis 📂Complex Anaylsis

Derivation of the Taylor Series Using Complex Analysis

Theorem 1

If the function f:ACCf: A \subseteq \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C} is analytic in a circle zα<r|z - \alpha| < r, f(z)=n=0f(n)(α)n!(zα)n f(z) = \sum_{n = 0} ^{\infty} {{f^{(n)} (\alpha)} \over {n!}} (z - \alpha)^n


One of the joys of mathematics is generalization. The Taylor’s Theorem is considered a generalization of the Mean Value Theorem, and now we extend from real numbers to complex numbers. Interestingly, despite the process of extending it bit by bit, the proof becomes simpler. The proof method is fascinating and neat, providing a sense of accomplishment in studying.


First, think about a circle C:z=r\mathscr{C}: |z| = r and a point inside it ww. By the Cauchy Integral Formula, f(w)=12πiCf(z)zwdz=12πiCf(z)z11wzdz \begin{align*} f(w) =& {{1} \over {2 \pi i}} \int_{ \mathscr{C} } {{f(z)} \over {z - w}} dz \\ =& {{1} \over {2 \pi i}} \int_{ \mathscr{C} } {{f(z)} \over {z}} { {1} \over {1 - {{w} \over {z}} } } dz \end{align*} If expressed as an infinite geometric series 11wz=n=0(wz)n\displaystyle {{1} \over {1 - { {w} \over {z} } }} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left( {{w} \over {z}} \right) ^{n} and substituting it back into the above integral, f(w)=12πiCf(z)zn=0(wz)ndz=12πin=0wnCf(z)zn+1dz \begin{align*} f(w) =& {{1} \over {2 \pi i}} \int_{ \mathscr{C} } {{f(z)} \over {z}} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left( {{w} \over {z}} \right) ^{n} dz \\ =& {{1} \over {2 \pi i}} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} w^{n} \int_{\mathscr{C}} {{f(z)} \over {z^{n+1}}} dz \end{align*}

Generalized Cauchy Integral Formula for Differentiation: Let’s say function f:ACCf: A \subseteq \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C} is analytic in a simply connected region R\mathscr{R}.

For a simple closed path C\mathscr{C} in R\mathscr{R} surrounding a point α\alpha, for any natural number nn,

f(n)(α)=n!2πiCf(z)(zα)n+1dzf^{(n)} (\alpha) = {{n!} \over {2 \pi i }} \int_{\mathscr{C}} {{f(z)} \over { (z - \alpha)^{n+1} }} dz

Once again, by the Cauchy Integral Formula 12πiCf(z)zn+1dz=f(n)(0)n!\displaystyle {{1} \over {2 \pi i}} \int_{\mathscr{C}} {{f(z)} \over {z^{n+1}}} dz = {{f^{(n)} (0)} \over {n!}} it follows that f(w)=n=0f(n)(0)n!wn f(w) = \sum_{n = 0} ^{\infty} {{f^{(n)} (0)} \over {n!}} w^n Now, to generalize this for a circle zα=r|z- \alpha| = r, if we set zα=wz-\alpha = w, f(z)=f(w+α)=n=0f(n)(α)(zα)nn! f(z) = f(w+\alpha) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} {{f^{(n)}(\alpha) (z-\alpha)^{n}} \over {n!}}

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p129. ↩︎