
Abstract Algebra in R-modules 📂Abstract Algebra

Abstract Algebra in R-modules

Definitions 1

An Abelian group (G,+)(G,+) with the identity element for multiplication 101 \ne 0, and a ring (R,+,)(R,+,\cdot) satisfy the following three conditions for the binary operation μ:R×GG \mu : R \times G \to G , then (G,+,R,;μ)\left( G, +, R, \cdot ; \mu \right) is called an RR-module:

  • (M1) Bi-additivity: For α,βR\forall \alpha, \beta \in R and x,yG\forall x,y \in G, μ(α+β,x)=μ(α,x)+μ(β,x)μ(α,x+y)=μ(α,x)+μ(α,y) \begin{align*} \mu \left( \alpha + \beta , x \right) =& \mu \left( \alpha , x \right) + \mu \left( \beta , x \right) \\ \mu \left( \alpha , x + y \right) =& \mu \left( \alpha , x \right) + \mu \left( \alpha , y \right) \end{align*}
  • (M2): For α,βR\forall \alpha, \beta \in R and xG\forall x \in G, μ(α,μ(β,x))=μ(αβ,x) \mu \left( \alpha , \mu \left( \beta , x \right) \right) = \mu \left( \alpha \beta , x \right)
  • (M3): For xG\forall x \in G, μ(1,x)=x \mu (1, x) = x

Here, RR is also referred to as the ground ring or base ring.


Here, μ\mu is called the scalar multiplication, and the resulting element, the scalar product, is denoted as μ(α,x):=αx\mu (\alpha, x) := \alpha x. According to this expression, the above three conditions can be represented as follows:

  • (M1) Distributive law: (α+β)x=αx+βxα(x+y)=αx+αy \begin{align*} \left( \alpha + \beta \right) x =& \alpha x + \beta x \\ \alpha \left( x + y \right) =& \alpha x + \alpha y \end{align*}
  • (M2) Associative law: α(βx)=(αβ)x \alpha \left( \beta x \right) = \left( \alpha \beta \right) x
  • (M3) Identity: 1x=x 1 x = x

These might feel familiar right from the term scalar multiplication, as they have been seen often in the definition of vector spaces in linear algebra. In this sense, an RR-module is a generalization of the FF-vector space.

See Also

The FF-vector space discussed in the documents below is essentially no different from the above-mentioned vector spaces. However, the perspectives differ; the vector space in linear algebra is an abstraction of the intuitive Euclidean space, while the vector space in abstract algebra is truly regarded as ‘algebra’.

Conversely, the RR-module generalizes the scalar field FF of the FF-vector space into the scalar ring RR, thus demonstrating its significance. From the perspective of group GG, the addition of the ring RR and the new operation μ\mu could be deemed as forming an additive group.

  1. Sze-Tsen Hu. (1968). Introduction to Homological Algebra: p1. ↩︎