Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality: For the Random VariableX,Y, the following holds:
The necessary and sufficient condition for equality to hold is as follows:
Assuming w′ is another Best Unbiased Estimator for W, and considering W∗:=(W+W’)/2, its expectation is
and its variance is
If the inequality < holds, this contradicts the premise that W is the Best Unbiased Estimator, hence it suffices to show that the equality = holds for all θ. The necessary and sufficient condition for only the equality to hold is for some a(θ)=0 and b(θ)∈R, a(θ)W+b(θ)=w′ holds, and upon direct calculation, according to the Properties of Covariance,
Having already established that Covθ(W,W’)=VarθW, it follows that a(θ)=1, and since Eθτ(θ) it implies b(θ)=0, which proves W=w′.