Scale Families
📂Mathematical StatisticsScale Families
The cumulative distribution function F is said to satisfy Fσ for all x if Fσ(x)=F(x/σ) holds.
{Fσ:σ>0} is called a Scale Family.
Consider a random sample X1,⋯,Xn with parameter σ having a cumulative distribution function F1(x)=F(x/1)=F(x), then for the random sample Z1,⋯,Zn we can express
in this manner. If a statistic of this sample is a function of only
then it’s an auxiliary statistic. It necessarily follows, because regardless of the scale parameter σ, the ratios of that random sample will cancel each other out in numerator-denominator. Indeed, the joint cumulative distribution of these ratios
does not depend on σ.
See Also