
Delta Method in Mathematical Statistics 📂Mathematical Statistics

Delta Method in Mathematical Statistics


Let’s assume that the constant θR\theta \in \mathbb{R} and the sequence of random variables {Yn}nN\left\{ Y_{n} \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} converge in distribution to a normal distribution n(Ynθ)\sqrt{n} \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right) following N(0,σ2)N \left(0, \sigma^{2} \right).

11-Order Delta Method 1

If g(θ)0g ' (\theta) \ne 0 exists, n[g(Yn)g(θ)]DN(0,σ2[g(θ)]2) \sqrt{n} \left[ g \left( Y_{n} \right) - g(\theta) \right] \overset{D}{\to} N \left( 0, \sigma^{2} \left[ g ' (\theta) \right]^{2} \right)

22-Order Delta Method 2

If g(θ)=0g ' (\theta) = 0 and g(θ)0g''(\theta) \ne 0 exist, n[g(Yn)g(θ)]Dσ2g(θ)2χ12 n \left[ g \left( Y_{n} \right) - g(\theta) \right] \overset{D}{\to} \sigma^{2} {{ g''\left( \theta \right) } \over { 2 }} \chi_{1}^{2}

Generalized Delta Method

Let’s assume some knk_{n} dependent on nn as kn(Ynθ)DYk_{n} \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right) \overset{D}{\to} Y. If

  • For k[r1]k \in [r-1], g(k)(θ)=0g^{(k)} (\theta) = 0
  • g(r)(θ)0g^{(r)} (\theta) \ne 0 exists
  • g(r)g^{(r)} is continuous in θ\theta

Then, knr[g(Yn)g(θ)]Dg(r)(θ)r!Yr k_{n}^{r} \left[ g \left( Y_{n} \right) - g (\theta) \right] \overset{D}{\to} {{ g^{(r)} (\theta) } \over { r! }} Y^{r}

  • D\overset{D}{\to} signifies convergence in distribution.
  • χ12\chi_{1}^{2} represents a chi-squared distribution.
  • g(k)g^{(k)} is the kk-th derivative.
  • [r1][r-1] is the set {1,,r1}\left\{ 1, \cdots, r-1 \right\} comprising natural numbers up to r1r-1.


The Delta Method is widely used as an auxiliary theorem to explain many convergences in distribution in mathematical statistics.


For instance, knowing the mean and variance of XX, g(X)=g(μ)+g(μ)(Xμ) g(X) = g (\mu) + g ' (\mu) \left( X - \mu \right) then, Eg(X)g(μ)Varg(X)[g(μ)]2VarX \begin{align*} E g(X) \approx & g (\mu) \\ \operatorname{Var} g (X) \approx & \left[ g ' (\mu) \right]^2 \operatorname{Var} X \end{align*} If one wonders about the mean and variance of the inverse of XX, the following result can be obtained for the function g(x):=1/xg(x) := 1/x. E1X1μVar1X[1μ]4VarX \begin{align*} E {{ 1 } \over { X }} \approx & {{ 1 } \over { \mu }} \\ \operatorname{Var} {{ 1 } \over { X }} \approx & \left[ {{ 1 } \over { \mu }} \right]^{4} \operatorname{Var} X \end{align*} Although this is not precisely the result of the Delta Method, it should remind us of the Delta Method as a tool that allows handling the function form of random variables.


Strategy: Essentially ends with Taylor expansion and Slutsky’s theorem.

Slutsky’s theorem: For a constant a,ba,b and a random variable An,Bn,Xn,XA_{n}, B_{n} ,X_{n} , X, if anPaa_{n} \overset{P}{\to} a , BnPb B_{n} \overset{P}{\to} b , and XnDX X_{n} \overset{D}{\to} X , then An+BnXnDa+bX A_{n} + B_{n} X_{n} \overset{D}{\to} a + b X

The proof of the generalized Delta Method is omitted.

Proof of the 11-Order Delta Method

Near Yn=θY_{n} = \theta, g(Yn)g \left( Y_{n} \right) has a remainder term RR where limYnθR0\lim_{Y_{n} \to \theta} R \to 0, g(Yn)=g(θ)+g(θ)(Ynθ)+R g \left( Y_{n} \right) = g (\theta) + g ' (\theta) \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right) + R Moving g(θ)g(\theta) to the left side and multiplying by n\sqrt{n}, n[g(Yn)g(θ)]g(θ)n(Ynθ) \sqrt{n} \left[ g \left( Y_{n} \right) - g(\theta) \right] \approx g ' (\theta) \sqrt{n} \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right) and the proof ends according to Slutsky’s theorem.

Proof of the 22-Order Delta Method

Similarly, near Yn=θY_{n} = \theta, g(Yn)g \left( Y_{n} \right) has a remainder term RR where limYnθR0\lim_{Y_{n} \to \theta} R \to 0, g(Yn)=g(θ)+g(θ)(Ynθ)+g(θ)2(Ynθ)2+R=g(θ)+0(Ynθ)+σ2σ2g(θ)2(Ynθ)2+R \begin{align*} g \left( Y_{n} \right) =& g (\theta) + g ' (\theta) \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right) + {{ g''(\theta) } \over { 2 }} \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right)^{2} + R \\ =& g (\theta) + 0 \cdot \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right) + {{ \sigma^{2} } \over { \sigma^{2} }} {{ g''(\theta) } \over { 2 }} \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right)^{2} + R \end{align*} Again, moving g(θ)g(\theta) to the left side and multiplying by nn, n[g(Yn)g(θ)]σ2g(θ)2(Ynθ)2σ2/n n \left[ g \left( Y_{n} \right) - g (\theta) \right] \approx \sigma^{2} {{ g''(\theta) } \over { 2 }} {{ \left( Y_{n} - \theta \right)^{2} } \over { \sigma^{2}/n }} and the proof concludes with the chi-squared distribution χ12\chi_{1}^{2} converging in distribution to the square of a standard normal distribution, according to Slutsky’s theorem.

  1. Casella. (2001). Statistical Inference(2nd Edition): p242. ↩︎

  2. Casella. (2001). Statistical Inference(2nd Edition): p244. ↩︎