
Proof of Liouville's Theorem in Complex Analysis 📂Complex Anaylsis

Proof of Liouville's Theorem in Complex Analysis

Theorem 1

If the function f f:CCf : \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C} is an entire function and there exists a positive number MM for all zCz \in \mathbb{C} such that f(z)M|f(z)| \le M is satisfied, then ff is a constant function.


Saying that ff is an entire function means it is analytic throughout the entire complex plane. The contrapositive statement is that if it’s not a constant function, then its absolute value cannot be bounded. For example, sin\sin, when its domain is the set of real numbers, is trivially bounded by 1-1 and 11, but in complex analysis, because sini=isinh1=sinh1>1 | \sin i | = | i \sinh 1 | = \sinh 1 > 1 it may not be bounded.


Let’s consider C\mathscr{C} as circle zα=r | z - \alpha | = r with the radius rr and center α\alpha. Since ff is an entire function, we can consider its derivative f(α)f ' (\alpha) at every point z=αz=\alpha.

Cauchy’s integral formula: f(n)(α)=n!2πiCf(z)(zα)n+1dzf^{(n)} (\alpha) = {{n!} \over {2 \pi i }} \int_{\mathscr{C}} {{f(z)} \over { (z - \alpha)^{n+1} }} dz

From the generalized Cauchy integral formula regarding differentiation, if n=1n=1, then f(α)=12πCf(z)(zα)2dz |f ' (\alpha)| = {{1} \over {2 \pi}} \left| \int_{\mathscr{C}} {{f(z)} \over { (z- \alpha)^{2} }} dz \right|

ML lemma: For a positive number MM that satisfies f(z)M|f(z)| \le M and the length LL of C\mathscr{C}, Cf(z)dzML \left| \int_{\mathscr{C}} f(z) dz \right| \le ML

Since f(z)M|f(z)| \le M, f(z)(zα)2Mr2\displaystyle \left| { {f(z)} \over { (z - \alpha)^2 } } \right| \le { {M} \over {r^2} }, and the circumference of circlezα=r | z - \alpha | = r is 2πr2 \pi r, using the ML lemma, f(α)=12πCf(z)(zα)2dz12π(Mr2)2πr=Mr |f ' (\alpha)| = {{1} \over {2 \pi}} \left| \int_{\mathscr{C}} {{f(z)} \over { (z- \alpha)^{2} }} dz \right| \le {{1} \over {2 \pi}} \left( { {M} \over {r^2} } \right) 2 \pi r = { {M} \over {r} } This inequality holds for any r>0r>0; hence, f(α)=0|f ' (\alpha)| = 0, that is, f(α)=0f ' (\alpha) = 0. Since f(α)=0f ' (\alpha) = 0 for every point z=αz=\alpha, ff is a constant function.

See Also

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p94. ↩︎