Hub Nodes in Network Theory
Definition 1
A node that is connected to many other nodes in a network is called a hub.
In network theory centrality, one of the answers to the question, “What constitutes an important node?” could be a node with a higher degree , i.e., a node that is connected to many other nodes. This intuition is considered to be commonsensical.
The above picture is a log-log histogram plotting the degree on the -axis and frequency on the -axis, creating a scale-free network using the Barabási-Albert model. If we label them as and , we can obtain a straight line characteristic of a scale-free network, and the points on the extreme right of the -axis represent nodes with high degrees.
As can be immediately understood from its definition, the concept of a node being connected to many other nodes is somewhat distant from a strict mathematical definition. Depending on the study, a hub can be a node that exceeds a certain centrality threshold, or it might be described as a node that needs to be connected to every other node.
Below is the Julia code for creating a scale-free network with the Barabási-Albert model and drawing its hubs.
@time using Graphs, Plots
function hiscatter(data; bin = 10,
xaxis = :log10, yaxis = :log10, size = (600, 400), legend = :none,
xlabel = "x", ylabel = "p(x)",
color = :black)
a, b = minimum(data), maximum(data)
if typeof(bin) == Int
if xaxis == :linear
stat_class = collect((a:((b - a) / bin):b))
elseif xaxis == :log
stat_class = 10 .^ (range(log(a), log(b), length = bin+1))
elseif xaxis == :log2
stat_class = 10 .^ (range(log2(a), log2(b), length = bin+1))
stat_class = 10 .^ (range(log10(a), log10(b), length = bin+1))
stat_class = bin
freq = zeros(Int64, bin)
freq[1] = sum(data .≤ stat_class[2])
for i = 2:bin
freq[i] = sum(stat_class[i] .< data .≤ stat_class[i+1])
if length(data) == sum(freq)
well_defined = (freq .> 0)
return scatter(stat_class[well_defined], freq[well_defined],
xaxis = xaxis, yaxis = yaxis, size = size, legend = legend,
xlabel = xlabel, ylabel = ylabel,
color = color) # stat_class, freq
G = barabasi_albert(1000,3)
hiscatter(degree(G), bin = 100, size = (400,400)); png("logloghist")
Barabási. (2016). Network Science: p10, 27 ↩︎