
Barabási-Albert Model 📂Graph Theory

Barabási-Albert Model

Algorithm 1



Given the link parameter mNm \in \mathbb{N} and the network size NN.

Step 1. Initialization

Construct the initial network with mm nodes. Unless otherwise specified, this network is a complete graph.

Step 2. Adding Nodes

Assuming the current number of nodes is nn. A new node is added, which connects to each of the existing mm nodes. The probability of connecting to each k=1,,nk = 1 , \cdots , nth node is as follows. pk=degkk=1ndegk p_{k} = {{ \deg k } \over { \sum_{k=1}^{n} \deg k }} Duplicate links are avoided through sampling without replacement.

Step 3. Repeat

Repeat Step 2 until the number of nodes is n<Nn < N. If the number of nodes reaches n=Nn = N, the algorithm ends.


Obtains a scale-free network with a Pareto distribution Pareto(3)\text{Pareto} \left( 3 \right) degree distribution2.


The Barabási-Albert model is the simplest and most popular algorithm for generating scale-free networks. The terrifying aspect of the BA model is that it accurately identifies the inequality, which can be considered the essence of the Pareto distribution, without complex formulas. pk=degkk=1ndegk p_{k} = {{ \deg k } \over { \sum_{k=1}^{n} \deg k }} The significance of this probability is that it finds the reason for new links to connect directly in the existing links. The early birds are at an advantage over the latecomers, and the advantaged nodes become increasingly advantaged. If the concept of popularity is born into a network, that is exactly a Barabási-Albert network. For this reason, it is sometimes called Preferential Attachment.



Below is the Julia code for creating a BA network and visualizing its evolving process.

@time using Graphs
@time using Plots, GraphRecipes

N = 200
X = (1:N)/N .* cos.(2π * rand(N))
Y = (1:N)/N .* sin.(2π * rand(N))

G = barabasi_albert(N, 3)
graph_evolution = @animate for n ∈ 4:N
  graphplot(G[1:n], x = X[1:n], y = Y[1:n],
   curvature = 0, linealpha = 0.2, markerstrokewidth = 0, nodecolor = :gray,
   size = (300,400), nodesize = 0.1)
  xlims!(-n/N,n/N); ylims!(-n/N,n/N)
gif(graph_evolution, "zoomout.gif", fps = 16)


Includes the function randw() for weighted sampling and implements the function barabasi_albert() for creating a Barabási-Albert model without relying on packages.

function randw(item, weight)
    @assert length(item) == length(weight) "length mismatch"
    @assert any(weight .> 0) "all weights are zero"
    @assert all(weight .≥ 0) "there is a negative weight"
    Σ = sum(weight)
    if !isone(Σ)
        weight = weight ./ Σ
    return item[findfirst(rand() .≤ cumsum(weight))]
randw(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1,2])
randw(['a', 'b', 'c'], [0,0,0])
randw(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1,2,-1])
randw(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1,2,3])
abc = [randw(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1,2,3]) for _ in 1:6000]
count.([abc .== 'a', abc .== 'b', abc .== 'c'])

function randw(item, weight, n; replace = true)
    @assert n ≤ length(item) "n = $n is larger than the length of item = $(length(item))"

    while true
        sample = [randw(item, weight) for _ in 1:n]
        if (length(unique(sample)) == n) || replace
            return sample
randw(-10:-1, 1:10, 5)
randw(-10:-1, 1:10, 5, replace = false)

function barabasi_albert(N, m = 1)
    G = [setdiff(1:m, k) for k in 1:m]
    for new in (m+1):N
        idxs = randw(1:(new-1), length.(G), m, replace = false)
        push!(G, idxs)
        push!.(G[idxs], new)
    return G

ba = barabasi_albert(1000, 3)
degree = length.(ba)

using Plots
histogram(degree, xscale = :log10, yscale = :log10, xticks = 10.0 .^(-0:0.5:2), xlims = extrema(degree))

  1. Albert, Barabási. (2002). Statistical mechanics of complex networks. https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.74.47 ↩︎

  2. Barabási, Albert. (1999) Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.286.5439.509 ↩︎