
Binomial Theorem Proof 📂Highschool Math

Binomial Theorem Proof


$$ (x+y)^{n} = \sum_{r=0}^{n} {_n C _r} x^{r} y^{n-r} $$ Here, ${_n C _r}$ is defined as the Binomial Coefficient. $$ {_n C _r} = \binom{n}{r} = {{ n! } \over { r ! (n-r)! }} $$


It’s surprisingly useful right after you learn it in high school. Because of its versatility, it allows for the derivation of many formulas quickly and is widely used across various fields.


When expanding $(x+y)^{n}$, the coefficient of $x^{r} y^{n-r}$ is $$ (x+y)^{n} = (x+y)(x+y)(x+y) \cdots (x+y) $$ equivalent to selecting $x$ of $(x+y)$ $n$ times and $y$ $n-r$ times respectively. Therefore, the combination $_n C _r$ becomes the coefficient of $x^{r} y^{n-r}$, $$ (x+y)^{n} = \sum_{r=0}^{n} {_n C _r} x^{r} y^{n-r} $$