
Probability of Doing V at Rate a 📂Writing

Probability of Doing V at Rate a

Sentence Structure

Assume that the verb V and the probability a[0,1]a \in [0,1] are given.

“It V at the rate aa.”     \iffaa의 확률로 V하다.”

Example Sentences

“During the disease spread, each infected node transmits the disease to its susceptible neighbor nodes at the infection rate β\beta, and returns to the susceptible state at the recovery rate μ\mu.”

“During the spreading, each infected node transmits the disease to its susceptible neighbors at the infection rate β\beta, and the infected nodes return to the susceptible state at the recovery rate μ\mu​.”1

  1. Qi Ni. (2019). Machine learning dynamical phase transitions in complex networks. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.100.052312 ↩︎