가우스 과정
Definition 1
For every finite subset of a stochastic process , all linear combinations of the elements are said to follow a multivariate normal distribution. If satisfies this condition, it is called a Gaussian process.
To non-specialists, the definition might appear excessively mathematical, but intuitively it is not much different from a Wiener process. Of course, strictly speaking, according to the definition, a Wiener process is a Gaussian process, but the converse does not hold.
A geometric Brownian motion, for instance, does not constitute a Gaussian process because it follows a log-normal distribution at each time point.
In Bayesian contexts, it is used as the prior distribution itself. In machine learning, it is often utilized for generating random data, among other uses. For example, in the context of , a widely used method to create a Gaussian process is through forming a covariance matrix with a Gaussian kernel and sampling from a multivariate normal distribution.
The following is a sample code in Julia to demonstrate how to sample from a Gaussian process. The reason for adding a very small in the middle of is to prevent numerical errors.
using Distributions, LinearAlgebra, Plots
k(u, v) = exp(-abs2(u - v) / 2)
x = LinRange(-5, 5, 100)
Σ = [k(x[i],x[j],1) for i ∈ 1:100, j ∈ 1:100]
ϵ = 1e-6
Σ += ϵ*I
plot(x, [rand(MvNormal(zeros(100), Σ)) for _ in 1:10],
legend = :none, title = "Gaussian Process", lw = 2, alpha = .5)
See Also
Yang. (2008). LRD of Fractional Brownian Motion and Application in Data Network: p3. ↩︎