
Euler-Maruyama Method Derivation 📂Stochastic Differential Equations

Euler-Maruyama Method Derivation

Methods 1

dX(t)=f(Xt)dt+g(Xt)dWt,t[t0,T] d X(t) = f \left( X_{t} \right) dt + g \left( X_{t} \right) d W_{t} \qquad , t \in [t_{0}, T] Let’s say that the Itô process is given as a solution to the autonomous stochastic differential equation as shown above. For the equidistant points {tiT:ti+1=ti+h}i=0N\left\{ t_{i} \le T : t_{i+1} = t_{i} + h \right\}_{i=0}^{N} with a constant interval of hh, Yi:=Y(ti)Y_{i} := Y \left( t_{i} \right) calculated as follows is the numerical solution to the given differential equation. Yi+1=Yi+f(Yi)h+g(Yi)hZ Y_{i+1} = Y_{i} + f \left( Y_{i} \right) h + g \left( Y_{i} \right) \sqrt{h} Z Here, ZZ is a random variable that follows the standard normal distribution.


This solution converges strongly to the γ=1/2\gamma = 1/2th order and weakly to the β=1\beta = 1th order.


The Euler-Maruyama Approximation Scheme is the simplest method for numerically solving stochastic differential equations, conceptually no different from the Euler method for solving ordinary differential equations, and essentially just involves looking at the equation and writing down the simulation as it is.


Xt+h=Xt+tt+hf(s)ds+tt+hg(s)dWs X_{t+h} = X_{t} + \int_{t}^{t+h} f(s) ds + \int_{t}^{t+h} g(s) d W_{s} Let’s consider the integral form of the Itô process. The drift term is tt+hf(s)dsf(Xt)tt+hds=f(Xt)h \int_{t}^{t+h} f(s) ds \approx f \left( X_{t} \right) \int_{t}^{t+h} ds = f \left( X_{t} \right) h and the diffusion term is tt+hg(s)dWsg(Xt)tt+hdWs=g(Xt)(Wt+hWt)=g(Xt)ΔWt \begin{align*} \int_{t}^{t+h} g(s) dW_{s} \approx& g \left( X_{t} \right) \int_{t}^{t+h} dW_{s} \\ =& g \left( X_{t} \right) \left( W_{t+h} - W_{t} \right) \\ =& g \left( X_{t} \right) \Delta W_{t} \end{align*} Since the increment of the Wiener process Wt+hWtW_{t+h} - W_{t} follows the normal distribution N(0,h)N \left( 0, h \right), it is ΔWt+hhN(0,1)\Delta W_{t+h} \sim \sqrt{h} N \left( 0 , 1 \right). Therefore, for the random variable ZZ that follows the standard normal distribution, it can be represented as follows. Xi+h=Xi+f(Xi)h+g(Xi)hZ X_{i+h} = X_{i} + f \left( X_{i} \right) h + g \left( X_{i} \right) \sqrt{h} Z

  1. Panik. (2017). Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications in Population Dynamics Modeling: p194, 217. ↩︎