
Bridge of Brown 📂Stochastic Differential Equations

Bridge of Brown

Definition 1 2

dYt=bYt1tdt+dWt,t[0,1),Y0=a d Y_{t} = {{ b - Y_{t} } \over { 1 - t }} dt + d W_{t} \qquad, t \in [0,1), Y_{0} = a Let’s denote it as a,bRa, b \in \mathbb{R}. The stochastic process YtY_{t}, which is a solution of the 11-dimensional stochastic differential equation, from (aa to bb) is called a Brownian Bridge. Yt=a(1t)+bt+(1t)0t11sdWs Y_{t} = a (1-t) + bt + (1-t) \int_{0}^{t} {{ 1 } \over { 1 - s }} d W_{s}


Brownian Bridge is a very special stochastic process that starts at aa and, no matter how much it wanders in the middle, eventually stops at bb. When t1t \to 1, YtY_{t} almost surely converges to bb.

The farther YtY_{t} gets from bb, the more bYtb-Y_{t} significantly influences the numerator of the drift term, especially as the denominator approaches 00 indefinitely close at t1t \approx 1, compensating for the wandering during the period.

  1. Øksendal. (2003). Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications: p75. ↩︎

  2. Panik. (2017). Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications in Population Dynamics Modeling: p145~147. ↩︎