Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Stochastic Differential Equations, Strong and Weak Solutions
📂Stochastic Differential EquationsExistence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Stochastic Differential Equations, Strong and Weak Solutions
Let us have a probability space (Ω,F,P) and a filtration {Ft}t≥0.
Consider the following n-dimensional stochastic differential equation for two functions f, g and Ft-adapted m-dimensional Wiener process Wt:
- A continuous and Ft-adapted stochastic process {Xt} that satisfies the equation almost surely at all t∈[0,T] and is f∈L1[0,T], and g∈L2[0,T] is called the solution of the given equation.
- If the following holds for all other solutions {Xt~} than {Xt}, this solution is said to be unique:
Theorem: Existence and Uniqueness
- (i) Linear growth condition: For some constants C, x∈Rn, and t∈[0,T]
- (ii) Uniform Lipschitz condition: For some constants D, x,y∈Rn, and t∈[0,T]
If the above two conditions are satisfied, the following stochastic differential equation
has a unique solution Xt with the following properties:
- ∣g∣ denotes the Frobenius norm ∣g∣2=∑i,j∣gij∣2 of a matrix.
Strong Solution and Weak Solution
The solution Xt, whose existence is guaranteed by the above theorem, is called a strong solution. Xt is seen as the solution obtained under the assumption that we are well aware of the Brownian motion Wt, that is, there is sufficient information about the given probability space (Ω,F,P) so that Wt is Ft-adapted.
On the other hand, in a situation where only f and g are given, i.e., when there is no information about Wt, and some ((X~t,W~t),F~t) exists that satisfies the given stochastic differential equation, this is called a weak solution. Specifically, the pair of the solution and (X~t,W~t), where W~t is a Brownian motion adapted to filtration F~t (a Brownian motion that is martingale with respect to F~t), is the weak solution. Here, it’s not strictly necessary for X~t to be Ft-adapted.
Of course, a strong solution is also a weak solution, but the converse does not hold. Weak solutions, in a way, might be considered as solutions that are blatantly obvious as solutions, yet cannot be rigorously called solutions in mathematical terms, or solutions that somehow satisfy the equation algebraically.
Example: Tanaka Equation
The above-mentioned stochastic differential equation is called the Tanaka Equation. Here, sign means the sign. In this case, since the diffusion g(t,Xt)=sign(Xt) does not satisfy the Lipschitz condition near 0, the existence of a strong solution cannot be guaranteed, and it might even be demonstrated that it does not exist. The rigorous proof of this is omitted as it is not straightforward.
However, if we consider a weak solution, any Brownian motion can be a solution to the Tanaka equation. It essentially has to be Brownian motion, as reflected by the fact that dXt, which only affects dWt, doesn’t make sense to consider since the probability of dWt being negative or positive is exactly half and half.
Let’s consider any Brownian motion Bt and define Xt=Bt as follows:
Differentiating t gives
and multiplying both sides by sign(Xt) results in (sign(Xt))2=1, thus
meaning, Xt=Bt constitutes a weak solution that satisfies the Tanaka equation.