A random network where links of a simple network are connected independently according to probability p∈[0,1] is called the Gilbert ModelGn,p.
Complicated Definition
Given a probability space(Ω,F,P), and a network’s properties2(2n)⊆2(2n) with n labeled nodes. A function that is measurable with respect to F and has the following probability mass function for the number of links 0≤m≤(2n) is called the Gilbert Model.
The Gilbert model, along with the Erdős-Rényi Model (ER Model), is mentioned in numerous documents, but in reality, many refer to the ER model when they actually use the Gilbert Model. There are differences between the two models. In fact, delving into it reveals they are different models enough to fill an entire thick book, but especially in the context of applied network theory, there is a strong tendency to lump these two together under the ER model. Although not a commonly used expression, it can also be called a Binomial Random Network given that its probability distribution is the binomial distribution.
Gn,p is expected to have approximately m=(2n)p≈2n2p links. Unlike the ER model, which exactly has m links, the number of links in the Gilbert Model is proportional to the network size by a coefficient p, but the number of links is not fixed.
The definition might seem complex at a glance, but the algorithm is actually simple. Sampling a network using the Gilbert Model follows this algorithm.
Assume the number of nodes n∈N and the link probability p∈(0,1) are given.
for i=1,⋯,n for j=1,⋯,n if i=j Add a link ij to the network G with probability p.G←G+ij
Obtain a simple graph G∈2(2n) with n nodes and approximately m≈n2p/2 links.
[1]: The number of links sampled from the Gilbert ModelGn,p exactly needing to be m is the same as being sampled in Gn,m.
[2] Degree distribution: If λ=np, then when n→∞, the degree of each node converges in distribution to the Poisson distributionPoi(np).
Claim: For any G0∈Gn,m, it suffices to prove the following.
Obviously, the probability of having exactly G0 links in Gn,p is less than having Gn,p∈Gn,m links, i.e., sampling with the Gilbert Model and ending up with m links in total. Representing this as an event gives
Calculating each probability gives P(Gn,p=G0)=pm(1−p)(2n)−m thus
Now, the conditional probability can be shown as
where ∧ is the logical product.
Given n nodes and each node having a connection probability of p, the degree of the node depends on whether it is connected to the remaining (n−1) other nodes, hence follows the binomial distributionB(n−1,p). Expressing it with a formula yields the following.