For all f∈m2[a,b], the following equation holds.
While it is correct that the power outside of the integral sign 2 crosses over, attention should also be paid to the change in the integrands dWt and dt.
Strategy: Since it suffices to show for sequences {ϕn}n∈N in elementary processes given the definition of Itô integration, it naturally generalizes to ϕn→f∈m2, it is enough to think only of the elementary processes ϕn. Let’s fix one n0∈N, and set it as ϕ:=ϕn0.
Let’s say a bounded elementary process ϕ appears as above.
If we set as ΔWj:=Wtj+1−Wtj then since it is a Wiener processE[eiejΔWiΔWj]={0E[ej2]⋅(tj+1−tj),if i=j,if i=j
Furthermore, if i=j, then ΔWi⊥ΔWj hence
Øksendal. (2003). Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications: p29. ↩︎↩︎