m2 Space
📂Stochastic Differential Equationsm2 Space
Given that there is a probability space (Ω,F,P),
- A sequence of sub sigma fields {Ft}t≥0 of F is called a Filtration if it satisfies the following:
- A stochastic process g(t,ω):[0,∞)×Ω→Rn is said to be Ft-Adapted if for all t≥0, ω↦g(t,ω) is Ft-measurable.
- For an interval I:=[a,b], the set of functions f that satisfy the following three conditions is denoted as m2=m2[a,b]. This I, in particular, is called the Natural Domain of the Ito Integral.
- (i): B is B×F-measurable with respect to the Borel sigma field of [0,∞).
- (ii): f(t,ω) is Ft-Adapted.
- (iii): It has the structure of a Hilbert space, i.e.,
- For Ft to be a sub sigma field of F means both are sigma fields of Ω, but Ft⊂F.
- A function f is Ft-measurable means for all Borel set B∈B([0,∞)), f−1(B)∈Ft.
Given a filtration, saying a stochastic process f is Ft-measurable means it encompasses the history or information up to time t. Since a filtration is a sequence of increasingly larger sub sigma fields, it aligns with the notion that information grows over time.
Naturally, the naming of m2 space comes from the L2 space as seen in condition (iii).