Proof of the Rearrangement Inequality
Theorem 1
Suppose there is a plane regular simple closed curve with length .
If the area enclosed by is denoted as , then In particular, the condition for is that is a circle.
In fact, the fact itself mentioned in this theorem is known to many people, whether intuitively or otherwise, because we encounter circles in numerous natural phenomena, even if we do not know the physical reason why water drops do not form sharp edges but instead form round shapes.
The name of the inequality, “isoperimetric,” means having a constant periphery, and the isoperimetric inequality itself answers the question, “When does the internal area become the largest when the periphery is constant as ?”
Part 0. Buildup
Consider two lines that are parallel to the tangent of . Let’s consider the center of the circle , which has a radius and touches both of these lines at the same time, and denote the direction parallel to as the -axis and the perpendicular direction as the -axis.
Now to mark four points , starting with . is the point where touches , and is the point where touches . We intend to represent both curves with coordinates given a common parameter . Here, we assume without loss of generality that is a unit speed curve, which means . Then, the coordinates of the circle can be expressed as follows, based on the point . Be careful not to confuse the -axis with , and the -axis with . When dealing with as vectors, always interpret it as , which represents the coordinates of .
Millman. (1977). Elements of Differential Geometry: p64. ↩︎