Curl of the Curl of Vector Functions
📂Mathematical PhysicsCurl of the Curl of Vector Functions
The curl of the curl of a vector function is as follows.
The first term, ∇(∇⋅A), is the divergence of the gradient, which doesn’t have a specific name. The second term is important enough to have a name. ∇⋅∇ is called the Laplacian, specifically, the Laplacian of a vector function.
There isn’t any special meaning to the curl of a curl, it’s just important to know that it can be expressed as two other types of second-order derivatives.
The summation sign ∑ is omitted using Einstein notation. Calculated using the Levi-Civita symbol, it follows as: if we say ∇j=∂xj∂, then,
The fourth equality holds because of ϵijkϵklm=(δilδjm−δimδjl).