Then there exists a unique C3regular curveα:(a,b)→R3 that satisfies the conditions with the parameter being the arc length from α(0):
Fundamental Theorem of Curves is a powerful theorem which states that a curve in a 3-dimensional space can be determined by its curvature and torsion, showing that the following results are not mere coincidence:
If κ=0, then it is a straight line.
If κ=0,τ=0, then it is a planar curve.
If κ/τ is constant, then it is a helix.
If τ=0 and κ>0 are constant, then it is a circle.
If τ=0 is constant and κ>0 is constant, then it is a circular helix.
The name “fundamental theorem” is well-deserved as it guarantees both uniqueness and existence.
Picard’s Theorem: For an initial value problem of a system of first-order ordinary differential equations, a unique solution exists.
Frenet-Serret formulas: Given a unit speed curve α satisfying κ(s)=0,
Considering the above ODE system and applying Picard’s theorem, a unique solution uj(s) that satisfies these conditions exists.
Next, we need to show that the solution satisfies our required conditions.
Step 1. ui(t) are orthonormal.
Let pij:=⟨ui,uj⟩,
Thus, pij is the unique solution to the differential equation with initial values given by Picard’s theorem,
And t=0 becomes the Kronecker delta functionpij(0)=δij. Meanwhile,
Thus, δij=pij itself exists as the unique solution to the given differential equation. Therefore, we have:
Step 2. Regularity of the unit speed curve α
Regarding s∈(a,b), let α(s) be as previously set. First differentiating once gives, according to the fundamental theorem of calculus,
Differentiating once more according to the initial differential equation gives,
Since κ and u2 are differentiable by assumption, differentiating once more results in
Since κ and τ are continuous and ui are differentiable, they are continuous. Thus ds3d3α is also continuous, thereby α is C3. We have already seen in Step 1 that
therefore, α is a unit speed curve.
Step 3. κ=κ,τ=τ,u1=T,u2=N,u3=B
Since α′=u1, it naturally follows that u1=T. According to the Frenet-Serret formulas,
Since N and u2 are unit vectors and κ>0, κ=κ must hold, thus N=u2. Because {u1,u2,u3} is an orthonormal basis of R3, [u1,u2,u3]=±1 holds and from s=0,
the scalar triple product[u1,u2,u3] is continuous[^2], thus it must always be
Finally, once more applying the Frenet-Serret formulas,
yields N=u2.
Millman. (1977). Elements of Differential Geometry: p42. ↩︎